Azure / terraform-provider-azapi

Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager Rest API
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Allow for authenticating to Azure using the Azure CLI #414

Open marcin478 opened 4 months ago

marcin478 commented 4 months ago

This is already supported by the azurerm and azuread providers. It's required to solve the problem with the 10 minutes idToken validity limitation when using Workload Identity to Federation for Azure DevOps Service Connection.

ms-henglu commented 4 months ago

Hi @marcin478 ,

Thank you for taking time to report this issue and apologize for late response.

The azapi provider does support this feature, more details could be found here:

srvmsr commented 2 months ago

We are facing the same issue , azure cli auth works well when auzure cli is authenticated via Service principal client secret, however we get below error when we use Workload Identity to Federation for Azure DevOps Service Connection.

"Error: reading "Resource: (ResourceId \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\" / Api Version \"2022-09-01\")": ChainedTokenCredential authentication failed │ GET │ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ RESPONSE 400 Bad Request │ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ { │ "error": "invalid_request", │ "error_description": "Identity not found" │ }

At the same config , azurerm provider works well. Provider config as below:

`terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~> 3.63.0" } azapi = { source = "Azure/azapi" version = "~> 1.8.0" } } backend "azurerm" { } }

provider "azapi" { use_cli = true }

provider "azurerm" { skip_provider_registration = true features {} } `

sikksakk commented 1 month ago

+1 to @srvmsr Using Workload Identity is not working.

mkocaks commented 1 month ago

+1 to @srvmsr Same issue for me :-(

mkocaks commented 1 month ago

Not tried to use OIDC option....

mkocaks commented 1 month ago

Also we have this with just using standard service connections in devops (not federated)

pjpaulor commented 4 weeks ago

I'm dealing with the same problem while using a federated connection in AzAPI version 1.13.1.

Here's a workaround I am using:

provider "azapi" {
  use_msi = false