Azure / terraform-provider-azapi

Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager Rest API
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AML workspace outbound rules remove newly created rules #453

Open kimyen opened 2 months ago

kimyen commented 2 months ago

Brief description of the problem

How to reproduce

Step 1: Add the following to your workspace .tf file:

resource "azapi_resource" "conda_anaconda_outbound_rules" {
  type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules@2023-10-01"
  name = "conda-anaconda-org"
  parent_id =
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      category = "UserDefined"
      status = "Active"
      type = "FQDN"
      destination = ""

resource "azapi_resource" "repo_anaconda_outbound_rules" {
  type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules@2023-10-01"
  name = "repo-anaconda-org"
  parent_id =
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      category = "UserDefined"
      status = "Active"
      type = "FQDN"
      destination = ""

Other setup

Desired resolution

ms-henglu commented 2 months ago

Hi @kimyen ,

Thank you for taking time open this issue and apologize for late response.

Thanks for the details and I could reproduce this issue. It seems that this API only works if the outbound rules are created one by one.

The azapi_resource supports locks field which allows user to specify a list of ARM resource IDs which are used to avoid create/modify/delete azapi resources at the same time.

But I also noticed that there is an API bug( which will make the azapi v1.13.x crash. I have two workarounds for this case, hope it could help.

Workaround 1. (Recommended)

  1. Use azapi v1.12.1 to deploy the following config, and you could upgrade to the latest once the bug fix is released.

    resource "azurerm_machine_learning_workspace" "example" {
    name                    = "acctesthenglu562"
    location                = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
    resource_group_name     =
    application_insights_id =
    key_vault_id            =
    storage_account_id      =
    identity {
    type = "SystemAssigned"
    public_network_access_enabled = true
    managed_network {
    isolation_mode  = "AllowOnlyApprovedOutbound"

resource "azapi_resource" "example" { count = 3 type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules@2023-10-01" name = "test2${count.index}" parent_id = body = jsonencode({ properties = { category = "UserDefined" status = "Active" type = "FQDN" destination = "conda.anaconda${count.index}.org" } }) locks = [] }

Workaround 2.
If you prefer the dynamic properties that v1.13.x provides, you could use the `azapi_resource_action` to bypass the bug, however the action resource doesn't monitor the resource's state.

data "azapi_resource_id" "outboundRules" {
  count     = 3
  type      = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules@2023-10-01"
  name      = "test2${count.index}"
  parent_id =

resource "azapi_resource_action" "outboundRules" {
  count       = 3
  type        = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules@2023-10-01"
  resource_id = data.azapi_resource_id.outboundRules[count.index].id
  method      = "PUT"
  locks       = []
  body = {
    properties = {
      category    = "UserDefined"
      status      = "Active"
      type        = "FQDN"
      destination = "${count.index}"
Chaseshak commented 2 weeks ago

@ms-henglu Do you have any additional updates on this?

I did try the first workaround you listed (the second won't work for us as we need Terraform to monitor the state). It worked, partially. I was able to create the FQDNs and PEs outbound, but I had to force them to be created only one at a time.

In addition, if you later add/modify the azapi rules, terraform still sometimes deletes previously created outbound rules. This makes it extremely difficult to add new rules.

krupakar1329 commented 2 weeks ago

@ms-henglu Do you have any additional updates on this?

I did try the first workaround you listed (the second won't work for us as we need Terraform to monitor the state). It worked, partially. I was able to create the FQDNs and PEs outbound, but I had to force them to be created only one at a time.

In addition, if you later add/modify the azapi rules, terraform still sometimes deletes previously created outbound rules. This makes it extremely difficult to add new rules.

@Chaseshak how did you force to be created only one at a time

ms-henglu commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @krupakar1329 - You could use the lock field to force the rules to be created only once at a time. Please see above comment.

ms-henglu commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Chaseshak,

In addition, if you later add/modify the azapi rules, terraform still sometimes deletes previously created outbound rules. This makes it extremely difficult to add new rules.

Would you please provide some details so I could reproduce it? Thanks!