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Error using Get-MsalToken with Azure B2C Instance & custom policy #40

Open Venu-prahalad opened 2 years ago

Venu-prahalad commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a B2C instance setup with a custom sign-in policy and I am using the identity experience framework. I am trying to authenticate the user and obtain tokens via an interactive experience. I gave a try as below code.

`$ex = @{}


$connectionDetails = @{

'ClientId'    = '5ee249ec-d5d2-43d1-9dfb-xxx911d98073'

'Interactive' = $true

'Scopes' = ''

'authority' = ''

'LoginHint' = ''

'ExtraQueryParameters' = $ex


$token = Get-MsalToken @connectionDetails

Write-Host $token

` However I got error as below

Get-MsalToken : AADSTS50049: Unknown or invalid instance. Trace ID: a01dbd69-ff03-413f-ad2e-1723f3997500 Correlation ID: 28db52d5-0ef8-4056-b5dd-61410826de9e Timestamp: 2021-09-27 13:25:32Z At C:\temp\Untitled2.ps1:17 char:10 $token = Get-MsalToken @connectionDetails

CategoryInfo          : AuthenticationError: (Microsoft.Ident...arameterBuilder:AcquireTokenInteractiveParameterBuilder) [Write-Error], MsalServiceExc 
     FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetMsalTokenFailureAuthenticationError,Get-MsalToken

Is this flow supported? If so could anybody please help me with this? If there are any e.g. on these lines it would be great. I am using the latest 4.36 version of MSAL.PS

**Update:** If I change the authority url to as '' I get the below error

Get-MsalToken : A authority of type Aad was used at the application and of type B2C at the request level. Please use the same authority type between the 
At C:\temp\Untitled2.ps1:17 char:10
$token = Get-MsalToken @connectionDetails

CategoryInfo : AuthenticationError: (Microsoft.Ident...arameterBuilder:AcquireTokenInteractiveParameterBuilder) [Write-Error], MsalClientExce ption FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetMsalTokenFailureAuthenticationError,Get-MsalToken