AzureAD / azure-activedirectory-library-for-cordova

ADAL for Cordova
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Update cordova version #187

Open ViCoastLLC opened 6 years ago

ViCoastLLC commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for filing an issue or feature request! Please fill out the following (wherever relevant):

Issue Description

How to update cordova version in visual studio 2015 ?.Please suggest how to open command prompt to update cordova

Repro Environment Details

  1. Installed plugin version: (Have you tried installing the latest plugin version to ensure this has not already been fixed?)
  2. Target Platform: Andriod,IOS,Windows
  3. Cordova and platform versions: just run cordova -v && cordova platform list
  4. Test device and OS version: for example, Nexus 5 Android 6.0, Windows Mobile 10 emulator, Windows 8.1 Desktop x64
  5. Are you using Cordova from command line or special Cordova IDE (Visual Studio Cordova Tools, etc), what version?
  6. If Windows related, please specify whether SSO option is enabled or not.
  7. [optional] Logs: set logger to get internal logs from SDK libraries (
jerme404 commented 6 years ago

npm install -g cordova should do the trick.