I am building a Outlook Add-in using Node JS and it needs get information from SharePoint Online using SharePoint Rest Api because Graph does`t have an option to get the required information.
Question? I need a SharePoint online auth token to call SP Rest Api which I am getting using OAuth flow (implicit flow) after user enters credentials.
Is there a way to get the SharePoint online auth token using Outlook token returned by getCallbackTokenAsync() or getUserIdentityTokenAsync() method?
I am building a Outlook Add-in using Node JS and it needs get information from SharePoint Online using SharePoint Rest Api because Graph does`t have an option to get the required information.
Question? I need a SharePoint online auth token to call SP Rest Api which I am getting using OAuth flow (implicit flow) after user enters credentials.
Is there a way to get the SharePoint online auth token using Outlook token returned by getCallbackTokenAsync() or getUserIdentityTokenAsync() method?
Thanks, Venkat Konjeti