AzureAD / azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc

The ADAL SDK for Objective C gives you the ability to add support for Work Accounts to your iOS and macOS applications with just a few lines of additional code. This SDK gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support.
MIT License
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Facing issue with Telenor Active directory user. #1549

Closed cnfuzedRk62 closed 4 years ago

cnfuzedRk62 commented 4 years ago

Hi Team i am facing issue using Azure SSO while trying to login with telenor active directory user using iOS App. And Azure SSO worknig fine with other active directories . I am going to attached the screen shot of that. Please help me with this issue. Thank you. image001 (3)

hieunguyenmsft commented 4 years ago

@cnfuzedRk62 Hi It looks like an issue of MSAL, Please help to

  1. Create a new issue in MSAL:
  2. Collect the log when this error happens:
cnfuzedRk62 commented 4 years ago

HI @hieunguyenmsft i resolved this issue doing enable keychain share feature in ios app and Add microsoft authentacation app redirect url ie:- and now it is working fine. Now i am going to close this one.