AzureAD / azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc

The ADAL SDK for Objective C gives you the ability to add support for Work Accounts to your iOS and macOS applications with just a few lines of additional code. This SDK gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support.
MIT License
177 stars 113 forks source link

Credential dialog appears when it shouldn't be #658

Closed dimabs closed 8 years ago

dimabs commented 8 years ago
  1. Azure Authenticator is installed
  2. Device is enrolled via Company Portal
  3. When trying to fetch token user is asked to enter password, while expected results is SSO, since credentials are already entered using Company Portal

Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : Installed apps did change. Added: {( "" )} Removed: {( )} Modified: {( )} Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 : Service exited with abnormal code: 1 Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e247000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.lookout.enterprise at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EB5879BE-E5E4-4A5D-B980-0C043912D568 Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e247000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.lookout.enterprise at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/981F188B-20E8-4637-B468-B8ADFBE3FE7D Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e247000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.00s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.00s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.22s Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 ondemandd[187] : Application with ID: com.lookout.enterprise was installed, but it doesn't appear to have a bundle URL, we are taking no action on this. Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x14f887a60> com.lookout.enterprise (Placeholder) file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/981F188B-20E8-4637-B468-B8ADFBE3FE7D/ withPhase:3 Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.lookout.enterprise.InstallingPlaceholder - <NSProgress: 0x14e6422d0> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 called, removing progress from cache Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:56 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:58:57 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:58:58 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:58:58 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:58:58 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [Download]: Starting task: 3 with priority: 300 for download: -8122575090950427467 bundleIdentifier: com.lookout.enterprise in session: Jun 1 09:58:58 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:58:58 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:59:01 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x14f887a60> com.lookout.enterprise (Placeholder) file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/981F188B-20E8-4637-B468-B8ADFBE3FE7D/ withPhase:0 Jun 1 09:59:01 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x15f535800> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.0000 / Completed: 0 of 100 to 0 Jun 1 09:59:02 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [Download]: Download task did finish: 3 for download: -8122575090950427467 Jun 1 09:59:02 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace] Installing download: -8122575090950427467 with step(s): Install Jun 1 09:59:02 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Installing software package with bundleID: com.lookout.enterprise: bundleVersion: 1 path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-8122575090950427467/-8552995789341998737 Jun 1 09:59:03 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Bundle validated for bundleIdentifier: com.lookout.enterprise success: 1 Jun 1 09:59:03 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder <LSApplicationProxy: 0x14f934370> com.lookout.enterprise (Placeholder) file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/981F188B-20E8-4637-B468-B8ADFBE3FE7D/ Jun 1 09:59:03 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x14f934370> com.lookout.enterprise (Placeholder) file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/981F188B-20E8-4637-B468-B8ADFBE3FE7D/ withPhase:1 Jun 1 09:59:03 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x15f535800> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.6000 / Completed: 60 of 100 to 1 Jun 1 09:59:03 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e087000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-8122575090950427467/-8552995789341998737" type Customer requested by itunesstored (pid 110) Jun 1 09:59:04 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing Jun 1 09:59:04 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName] Jun 1 09:59:04 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Provisioning profiles changed Jun 1 09:59:04 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:59:04 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Error) MC: Could not find signer identity of managed app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for com.lookout.enterprise is now at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/773841CC-2AC9-4DC3-8355-FE8777A1F956 Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e12f000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.lookout.enterprise at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/6FD17435-7B64-4109-BA23-7E8E05DB7F05 Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 installd[50] : 0x16e12f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 1.50s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.02s, Verifying: 0.85s; Overall: 2.45s Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LaunchServices: Updating identifier store Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.lookout.enterprise.Installing - <NSProgress: 0x14fa4d400> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 100 of 100 called, removing progress from cache Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LaunchServices: installation ended for app com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace] Install complete for download: -8122575090950427467 result: Success Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Updating placeholder for download: -8122575090950427467 bundleIdentifier: com.lookout.enterprise Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.lookout.enterprise.Loading - <NSProgress: 0x14fa70f20> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 1.0000 / Completed: 1 of 1 called, removing progress from cache Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for com.lookout.enterprise, it may have been removed Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:userInfo.installState could not find parent progress for com.lookout.enterprise, it may have been removed Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 itunesstored[110] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Placeholder updated for download: -8122575090950427467 bundleIdentifier: com.lookout.enterprise success: 1 Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 lsd[87] : LSInstallProgress: In observeValueForKeyPath:fractionCompleted could not find parent progress for com.lookout.enterprise, it may have been removed Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : Installed apps did change. Added: {( "com.lookout.enterprise" )} Removed: {( )} Modified: {( )} Jun 1 09:59:05 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Updating MIS trust... Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 401440e6-06b1-47ba-9c31-a6b0b132b777 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 47e502a1-f12c-4ae0-a99d-9ca5b1f0d917 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 5d3a7230-1a43-4f93-99be-7193c0123d51 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 690a46ca-f459-4b6d-8e3d-539183331d13 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 707f566d-106d-4e0d-bf06-de55a66a59ee validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 72b24122-53e3-467f-8e30-479eefdd2b56 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile 77a0f321-3c55-46ae-9cad-c1a8dca4b587 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile a4a99969-0315-4e2c-b7f7-a3810e648763 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile b679b3c9-9fb6-4d15-b217-5b7c6c9f943d validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile b94441a7-8224-4006-a650-45b0823fcfab validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile c8c78b06-a11e-47da-b4f4-24c4cfc47c57 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile d3fb2837-cab5-48a9-a838-a4ba089c3596 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile d95ce9e3-dcdf-4c8d-a7f5-afafa44ae366 validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:06 iOSs-iPhone2 profiled[140] : (Note ) MC: Managed app provisioning profile ef5cb6de-0937-4d43-8fb4-95d1e8fec22b validated as 0 Jun 1 09:59:08 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName] Jun 1 09:59:08 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName] Jun 1 09:59:08 iOSs-iPhone2 amfid[226] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName] Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 kernel[0] : xpcproxy[292] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/773841CC-2AC9-4DC3-8355-FE8777A1F956 (sandbox) Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL version 2.2.0 Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : [Crashlytics] Version 3.3.4 (82) Jun 1 09:59:09 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : [Crashlytics:Crash] Warning: iOS 9 workaround for binary image loading issue in place. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecDbRecordChange db changed outside txn Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: acquireToken (authority =, resource =, clientId = 54cbfca1-091a-4f36-8a8e-e9fccc752f6d, idtype = RequiredDisplayableId) Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Instance discovery Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: Authority Validation Cache Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler enterprise[292] add Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25243 "NoAccessForItem" UserInfo={NSDescription=NoAccessForItem} Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: Nothing found in keychain. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: No AT was found Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : SecOSStatusWith error:[-25243] Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25243 "NoAccessForItem" UserInfo={NSDescription=NoAccessForItem} Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: Nothing found in keychain. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: Nothing found in keychain. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: No AT was found Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: No MRRT found Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: Nothing found in keychain. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: No MRRT found Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.2.0] Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12] INFO: Nothing found in keychain. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: No MRRT found Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 enterprise[292] : ADAL [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFO: Invoking broker for authentication Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 kernel[0] : xpcproxy[293] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/572E5CF3-737C-4CC5-A580-4C5A518E19EE (sandbox) Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 splashboardd[284] : Fatal error generating launch image for Error Domain=UILaunchStoryboardErrorDomain Code=2 "Error loading: [<NSObject 0x12c536710> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error loading: [<NSObject 0x12c536710> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view.,} Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 : Service exited with abnormal code: 1 Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 splashboardd[294] : Fatal error generating launch image for Error Domain=UILaunchStoryboardErrorDomain Code=2 "Error loading: [<NSObject 0x145d16e10> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error loading: [<NSObject 0x145d16e10> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view.,} Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 : Service exited with abnormal code: 1 Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 : Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : [HockeySDK] WARNING: HockeySDKResources.bundle is missing, will send reports automatically! Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : [HockeySDK] WARNING: HockeySDKResources.bundle is missing, make sure it is added! Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : [HockeySDK] WARNING: HockeySDKResources.bundle is missing, built in UI is deactivated! Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : -[WorkPlaceJoinUtil getApplicationIdentifierPrefix] [Line 1253][2016-06-01 16:59:12 +0000]Looking for application identifier prefix in app data Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : -[WorkPlaceJoinUtil getApplicationIdentifierPrefix] [Line 1259][2016-06-01 16:59:12 +0000]application identifier prefix was not found attempting to get it Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : -[WorkPlaceJoinUtil bundleSeedID] [Line 1292][2016-06-01 16:59:12 +0000]Verifying bundle does not exist in keychain Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : -[WorkPlaceJoinUtil bundleSeedID] [Line 1310][2016-06-01 16:59:12 +0000]successfully retrieve application ID:SGGM6D27TK Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecDbRecordChange db changed outside txn Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : -[WorkPlaceJoinUtil getApplicationIdentifierPrefix] [Line 1262][2016-06-01 16:59:12 +0000]Storing application identifier prefix in app data Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADBrokerContext getAllAccounts:], file line #603. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore allItemsWithError:], file line #419. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADBrokerContext isBrokerRequest:returnUpn:], file line #155. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADBrokerContext isBrokerRequest:returnUpn:], file line #155. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] INFORMATION: Broker invoked from com.lookout.enterprise. Additional Information: upn:, requestPayload: msauth://broker? ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADBrokerContext invokeBrokerImpl:sourceApplication:upn:], file line #397. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADBrokerContext initWithAuthority:], file line #62. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] INFORMATION: Client App parameters. Additional Information: authority=; client_id=54cbfca1-091a-4f36-8a8e-e9fccc752f6d; resource=; redirect_uri=lookoutwork://com.lookout.enterprise; client_adal_version=2.2.0; usertype=RequiredDisplayableId; upn_provided=YES;. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - E349E742-C013-4671-B3E7-49754486B0F4] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADAuthenticationContext initWithAuthority:validateAuthority:tokenCacheStore:error:], file line #127. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFORMATION: UPN provided. Additional Information: do silent cache lookup.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADInstanceDiscovery sharedInstance], file line #78. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADInstanceDiscovery validateAuthority:correlationId:completionBlock:], file line #142. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Instance discovery. Additional Information: Attempting to validate the authority:; CorrelationId: EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Authority Validation Cache. Additional Information: Checking cache for ''. Result: 1. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADTokenCacheStoreKey keyWithAuthority:resource:clientId:error:], file line #58. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore getItemWithKey:userId:error:], file line #459. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore getItemsWithKey:error:], file line #471. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADTokenCacheStoreKey keyWithAuthority:resource:clientId:error:], file line #58. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore getItemWithKey:userId:error:], file line #459. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore getItemsWithKey:error:], file line #471. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Requesting authorization code.. Additional Information: Requesting authorization code for resource: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Get request. Additional Information: Sending GET request to with client-request-id EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 securityd[89] : SecOCSPSingleResponseCreate OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s). Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] ERROR: JSON deserialization. Additional Information: Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.}. Body text: 'Continue

'. HTTPS Code: 200. Response correlation id: ebd2946b-13f0-438f-a155-44545dd86bac. ErrorCode: 3840. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] ERROR: Error raised: 3840. Additional Information: Domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain Details: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.. ErrorCode: 3840. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] WARNING: State error. Additional Information: Missing or invalid state returned: { }. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] ERROR: Error raised: 15. Additional Information: Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain Details: The authorization server did not return a valid authorization code.. ErrorCode: 15. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] ERROR: Error raised: 10. Additional Information: Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain Details: The user credentials are need to obtain access token. Please call the non-silent acquireTokenWithResource methods.. ErrorCode: 10. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADBrokerContext isWorkplaceJoined:], file line #1066. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFORMATION: acquireAccount - FAILED. Additional Information: Workplace joined = true. Attempt to get token using PRT. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADAuthenticationContext initWithAuthority:validateAuthority:tokenCacheStore:error:], file line #127. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Looking for application identifier prefix in app data. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: +[ADTokenCacheStoreKey keyWithAuthority:resource:clientId:error:], file line #58. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: ADAL API call [Version - 2.0.2]. Additional Information: In function: -[ADKeychainTokenCacheStore getItemWithKey:userId:error:], file line #459. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Keychain token cache store. Additional Information: No cache items found.. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] INFORMATION: Valid PRT NOT found in cache... Acquiring new PRT. Additional Information: (null). ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Requesting authorization code.. Additional Information: Requesting authorization code for resource: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:12 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:12 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: Resources Loading. Additional Information: Attempting to load resources from: /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/52EF3118-61AC-4A53-A9A5-7887A84048CC/Azure ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:13 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:13 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: nsurlauthenticationmethodservertrust. Previous challenge failure count: 0. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: startLoading host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Ignoring handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: (null). New request: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: nsurlauthenticationmethodservertrust. Previous challenge failure count: 0. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Stop loading. ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: Requested handling of URL host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:14 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : ADALiOS [2016-06-01 16:59:14 - EBD2946B-13F0-438F-A155-44545DD86BAC] VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: canonicalRequestForRequest host: ErrorCode: 0. Jun 1 09:59:15 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x1575ef260;> Jun 1 09:59:15 iOSs-iPhone2 SpringBoard[58] : dataProviderDidLoad: Jun 1 09:59:23 iOSs-iPhone2 Azure Authenticator[293] : CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces. Jun 1 10:00:53 iOSs-iPhone2 syncdefaultsd[279] : (Note ) marked "" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x134e14b60>

jasoncoolmax commented 8 years ago

@dimabs Currently, in iOS, only Azure Authenticator can be the broker but not Company Portal. In other words, you expect SSO w.r.t. broker only if you have signed in in Azure Authenticator.

dimabs commented 8 years ago

Azure Authenticator can't get password from Company Portal?

2016-06-01 23:51 GMT-07:00 Yong Zeng

@dimabs in iOS, only Azure Authenticator can be the broker but not Company Portal. In other words, you expect SSO w.r.t. broker only if you have signed in in Azure Authenticator.

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jasoncoolmax commented 8 years ago

@dimabs no credentials are stored in any of the ADAL cache. We only stored refresh tokens and access tokens.