AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET
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[Bug] UWP Interactive Auth Window Popup Freezes #3109

Closed hjohnson12 closed 1 year ago

hjohnson12 commented 2 years ago

Logs and network traces N/A

Which version of MSAL.NET are you using? MSAL.NET 4.40.0

Platform UWP

What authentication flow has the issue?


Is this a new or existing app? New app, as well as an existing application in production upgraded to a new version of MSAL

Repro The issue occurs both in an existing application using the steps from the UWP tutorial as well as the tutorial example itself I just retried from scratch. Located here: Link to download the tutorial sample:

Expected behavior Application authenticates accordingly and closes the interactive prompt

Actual behavior The interactive UI prompt freezes and doesn't finish authentication.

Possible solution N/A

Additional context / logs / screenshots / links to code Upon signing in on my existing application, it freezes at the screen below and has the blue dot at the top right and just keeps flashing / not proceeding. Additionally in the tutorial it does the same thing once I get to accepting permissions or trying to sign in again after force closing MicrosoftAuthHost. If I force cancel the AuthHost, sometimes it'll finish the authentication but that's the only way it seems to work. image

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

@trwalke - can you reproduce this? @hjohnson12 - it's better to use a different control in UWP apps - WAM. See . Can you try with WAM? It involves registering a new redirect URI and making sure that you call AcquireTokenInteractive from UI thread.

We are planning on deprecating the AuthHost, but it will involve bumping the major version of the library

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

I think this is cause by a Windows update problem, since nothing else really changed.

There are 2 ways to go to bring this issue to a conclusion:

  1. We need some operational logs for the WAB (AuthHost) account control. See on how to get logs. Also please specify the version of Windows and if this alyways happens etc.
  2. Alternatively, move away from this old mechanism and use WAM. This is the way forward and we want to make it default on both UWP and win32. See
hjohnson12 commented 2 years ago

Hey @bgavrilMS , my apologies for the late response! I was actually able to successfully setup the UWP tutorial as well as my existing application using WAM following the link you provided. I also read over the couple examples from (in-case any others were curious when reading this).

I did run into an odd error when building in Release mode on my existing application when MSAL.NET 4.40.0 is combined with Microsoft.Graph v4.3.0-4.15.0, although the UWP tutorial I was doing from scratch as a test ran perfectly with all of the Microsoft.Graph versions so its probably something else within my project and unrelated to this issue :) ILT0005_Error

For the MS AuthHost bug, in-case you want some info if its pertaining to a Windows Update, my build is 19044.1466 on Windows 10 21H2. The WAM setup works great for me though so I'm okay with sticking with that from here on out! It seems to be more smooth running too.

Many thanks!! :)

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the update @hjohnson12 ! Let us know if WAM is causing any issues in the long run.

georgii11 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for redirecting me from 3086, @bgavrilMS. I've attached the events I captured while encountering this issue: From what I can tell it happens for all users and every time when going through the Auth view. On my side as well, if I force close the view, the login will be often finished successfully. My OS is Windows 10 Pro - 19043.1466 (it did also happen on a previous ver, not sure exactly which, but still a recent one). Thanks!

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

@georgii11 - I cannot access the zip file. Can you send it by email to bogavril at microsoft com please?

georgii11 commented 2 years ago

@bgavrilMS sent with the subject [AzureAD][microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet][3109]. Hope it got through.

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

Thanks @georgii11 - I received the file. I'm going to ping the Windows team who own this control.

LDS2020 commented 2 years ago

I have been working on this same issue for the last week although it is only happening on Windows 11 (22000.466) with personal accounts. i.e. does not happen with Work or School accounts on Win11 or with either type of account on Win 10 (19042.1466) or Xbox.

I will test it with WAM but in the meantime you may want to check out this repo I created.

Which version of MSAL.NET are you using? MSAL.NET 4.39.0

juanmalm commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. Happening randomly on Windows 10 with any kind of account. Using MSAL.NET 4.40.0.

surya-sk commented 2 years ago

Same issue here, and using WAM the app just crashes after selecting an account. This only seems to be happening on Windows 11. I've tested on two Windows 11 devices with MS accounts with addresses and on two Windows 10 devices with outlook accounts. Not sure if this is an issue with non-Outlook accounts or Windows 11

jeevanbalanmanoj commented 2 years ago

@LDS2020 @juanmalm @surya-sk are you facing this issue on Azure AD? If so please move to WAM as @bgavrilMS recommended. Here is the guide on it Do let us know if you are on B2C and not Azure AD

LDS2020 commented 2 years ago

@jeevanbalanmanoj Yes, I am using Azure AD. I have not migrated my Windows Store apps yet and am still testing with the sample app I mentioned above.

Good news is that using WAM I can successfully login interactively and grant consent the first time (without freezing) for both Personal and WorkAndSchool accounts on Win11, which I was not able to do using AuthHost. Have not tested Win10 yet.

Bad news:

Bottom line is that I need to:

surya-sk commented 2 years ago

@jeevanbalanmanoj I did try WAM but it doesn't seem to work either. The app just crashes after selecting account. I'm unable to reproduce the issue on my machine which makes it hard to figure out what's happening

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

@LDS2020 - AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword and AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth do not use WAM, they still go via MSAL's internal flow. Let's discuss them separately (open GH items) if needed (e.g. Username/Password will never work for MSA accounts btw). I'd recommend you do AcquireTokenSilent(DefaultOSAccount) with WAM instead of AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth

SSO is a key value proposition of WAM (and of browsers too). Users who are forced to type-in passwords often start typing them blindly. The user is already logged into the OS, why would they re-login explicitly into your app? In any case, you can configure the sing-in frequency for users if you wish to

I am not familiar with Xbox apps, but I do believe there are specific APIs for it - see

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

The cause of this issue seems to be as follows:

The Windows team in charge of the UWP component state they have not made any changes to it recently, so the next step is to investigate if AAD has made any changes to the pages themselves. I will keep the thread posted on any findings.

The guidance to move to WAM still stands, as UWP AuthHost control is being deprecated as is difficult to service.

LDS2020 commented 2 years ago


bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago


Note that the browser and the OS belong to the user, not to your app. If a user signs out of your app, you can simply call "app.RemoveAsync(account)" and all artefacts tied to the app will be deleted. AcquireTokenSilent will not work, you'll have to re-login interactively. The fact that the user does not need to enter a password when they do interactive login is not an application concern. Is this not your observed behavior?


LDS2020 commented 2 years ago


Thank you.

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

Thanks @LDS2020 , I'll follow up with the Windows team to better understand the xbox issue.

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

Folks, to understand the severity better, can you please chime in with:


BC89 commented 2 years ago

This is affecting our LOB application for all users with increasing frequency. First reports were in the October timeframe 2021.

27k1 commented 2 years ago

This is affecting our LOB application for all users with increasing frequency. First reports were in the October timeframe 2021.

Same here with our LOB app. Started in November with VS 2022 only, now it has recently come with VS2019.

It hangs forever with no exception.

I've just tested tjhis and Microsoft.Graph 4.7.0 and Microsoft.Identity.Client 4.37.0

Works great, so if Microsoft can please fix this quickly to discover which update has caused the issue (only in release mode) I am using x64.

27k1 commented 2 years ago

Ok, The issue occurs when the app is installed the first time. I have set up a test app and the issue was introduced in Microsoft.Graph 4.9.0 4.8.0 Works correctly everytime. I am using Microsoft.Identity.Client 4.41.0, so the issue in in Microsoft.Graph 4.9.0 onwards.

Example code below,

            authResult = await PublicClientApp.AcquireTokenSilent(_scopes, _userAccount)

            responseModel.UserName = authResult.Account.Username;
        catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex)
            // A MsalUiRequiredException happened on AcquireTokenSilentAsync. This indicates you need to call AcquireTokenAsync to acquire a token
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"MsalUiRequiredException: {ex.Message}");

                authResult = await PublicClientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(_scopes)

                responseModel.UserName = authResult.Account.Username;
            catch (MsalException)

        catch (Exception ex)
            //await DisplayMessageAsync($"Error Acquiring Token Silently:{System.Environment.NewLine}{ex}");
            return null;
bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

For tracking purposes, this is the work item opened on Windows team who maintains the WAB control -

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

No ETA on a fix, but this is being investigated actively by Windows team and AAD service team.

27k1 commented 2 years ago

No ETA on a fix, but this is being investigated actively by Windows team and AAD service team.


bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

From the discussion on the thread, it looks like the consent screen is the one that's blocking. For Work and School users, the tenant admin can pre-consent, thus avoiding this screen. So that's a small workaround for Work and School

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

Folks, this issues should have been fixed with an update to AAD. Please let me know if you are still experiencing issues.

The root cause is that the WebAuth control uses some pretty old technologies to inspect the incoming HTML pages, and it classifies the "consent" page as having insecure content and freezes. While this is not true - the content is not insecure - fixing the WebAuth component is not at all trivial (it ships with Windows), so AAD have made some changes to the consent pages to make WebAuth happy.

27k1 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that this issue is fixed in Graph 4.19.0 Many thanks.

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

New update on this. The fix went through for Work and School accounts, but the problem persists for Personal accounts. The fix for Personal Accounts will be live in 2-3 weeks.

georgii11 commented 2 years ago

Hello! Is this happening again for anyone else? On my side it was fixed for a while, but now the freeze is back. Edit with a few extra details: it doesn't occur with 100% repo now and only on some devices. Details of the operating system on two devices on which it occurred:


premiaware commented 2 years ago

Hello i have same issue, the login freeze my UWP App. using this code now work again.

try { authResult = await _identityClientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(Scopes) .WithPrompt(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Prompt.Consent) .ExecuteAsync() .ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (MsalException msalex) { await DisplayMessageAsync($"Error Acquiring Token:{System.Environment.NewLine}{msalex}"); } ....

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

@premiaware - can you share your client Id, redirect uri and scopes and also tell me if you are logging in with a Work & School account or a Personal account?

premiaware commented 2 years ago

ClientId="9204be2f-41fa-4846-b1e7-e7c4b37e6405" private static string[] Scopes = { "User.Read", "Files.ReadWrite", "Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder" }; Personal account i don't set redirect uri adding .WithPrompt(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Prompt.Consent) work now without freeze.

MusicMan3001 commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is happening to me too. Sometimes it works, but mostly it hangs.

It only seems to happen with Personal accounts. I haven't gotten it to hang with a Work account.

I can confirm that adding WithPrompt(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Prompt.Consent) seems to fix the issue, but this is not a good user experience.

bgavrilMS commented 2 years ago

I could not repro this when I tried.

The thing to do is:

If someone who can repro the bug can try to capture a Fiddler trace or give me a correlation ID and a timestamp, I can raise an incident with AAD as well.

MusicMan3001 commented 2 years ago

If I move to WAM, then I have to change the Redirect URI in AAD, right? That's a problem, because it will affect the current version of the app that is already distributed to users. Can you please explain how to migrate to WAM while maintaining backwards compatibility with the previous URI ( Or can I have more than one URI registered so that both the previous one and the new one will work?

premiaware commented 2 years ago

The incomprehensible thing is why it was working before and now you have to apply workaround changes, this thing blocked me 450 clients in one day. In any case, it works for me now by entering WithPrompt(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Prompt.Consent) I'm keeping this for now, I can't spend my life on workarounds

bgavrilMS commented 1 year ago

If I move to WAM, then I have to change the Redirect URI in AAD, right? That's a problem, because it will affect the current version of the app that is already distributed to users. Can you please explain how to migrate to WAM while maintaining backwards compatibility with the previous URI ( Or can I have more than one URI registered so that both the previous one and the new one will work?

You don't have to CHANGE the existing redirect URI, you add a new one. Your application supports multiple redirect URIs indeed.

For example Visual Studio application has 3 redirect URIs.

bgavrilMS commented 1 year ago

The incomprehensible thing is why it was working before and now you have to apply workaround changes, this thing blocked me 450 clients in one day. In any case, it works for me now by entering WithPrompt(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Prompt.Consent) I'm keeping this for now, I can't spend my life on workarounds

Adding Consent Prompt is not a good user experience. It'll re-prompt for consent every time. Normally, a user has to provide consent only once.

The problem is caused by the fact that UWP is hard to test and by the fact that Identity organization invests more in WAM. We run UI automation on some web browsers in win32 applications, but have not found a solution for UWP. The "workaround" which I provided is the path forward for increasing the reliability and security of your app.

premiaware commented 1 year ago

Thank's for your support, i have updated all my customers all working ok, not login prompt is required all working as before. at least until the next change when maybe it won't work again. thanks again for the support.

MusicMan3001 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the WAM solution fixes the problem without requiring the the consent prompt to be forced. It also provides a nicer user experience than the non-WAM solution. Thanks.

SameerK-MSFT commented 1 year ago

It looks like many customers have confirmed that this works for them and there is no activity for 1.5mon. I will close this. Please reopen if this still persists.