AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
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Support caller app info for browser SSO flows #2347

Closed antrix1989 closed 1 week ago

antrix1989 commented 3 weeks ago

Proposed changes

Modify SSO ext UI caller info for browser SSO flows. Format:

Team ID - browser team id Bundle ID - browser bundle id Application - “Client ID: Redirect URI:

Provide new public APIs for CP team. Related work item:

Type of change


Additional information

ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

Cloned PR for sedemche/wrap_calling_app_bundle_id

AI description (iteration 1)

PR Classification

New feature

PR Summary

This pull request introduces methods to retrieve and display information about the calling application in the broker operation requests.

ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

"### Step-by-Step Plan

  1. Review the Class Definition:

    • Check for logical consistency.
    • Ensure proper use of Objective-C properties and methods.
    • Verify API availability annotations.
  2. Identify Potential Issues:

    • Look for any missing or incorrect property attributes.
    • Ensure proper memory management practices.
    • Check for any redundant or unnecessary code.
  3. Suggest Refactoring:

    • Propose improvements for readability and maintainability.
    • Suggest modern Objective-C practices if applicable.

Review and Suggestions

  1. Logical and Syntactical Review:

    • The class definition and property declarations are syntactically correct.
    • The use of @protected for _correlationId is appropriate if subclasses need access.
    • The readonly attribute for callerBundleIdentifier and other properties is correct since they are likely set internally and not meant to be modified externally.
  2. Potential Issues:

    • The correlationId property is declared twice: once as an instance variable and once as a property. This is not necessary and can be simplified.
    • The operation property is declared as class and readonly, which is correct if it is meant to be a class-level constant.
  3. Refactoring Suggestions:

    • Remove the redundant instance variable declaration for _correlationId.
    • Use modern Objective-C syntax for property declarations.
    • Ensure consistency in API availability annotations.

Refactored Code



@interface MSIDBaseBrokerOperationRequest : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) NSString *operation;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSUUID *correlationId;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *callerBundleIdentifier;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *callerTeamIdentifier API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *localizedCallerDisplayName API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *localizedApplicationInfo API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);

- (nullable NSString *)logInfo;



Explanation of Changes

ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

"### Step-by-Step Plan

  1. Review the Class Definition: Check the class definition for any logical or syntactical issues.
  2. Check Property Declarations: Ensure that the property declarations are correct and follow best practices.
  3. Identify Potential Refactoring: Suggest any refactoring that could improve readability or maintainability.

Review and Suggestions

  1. Logical and Syntactical Bugs:

    • Property Attributes: The properties are declared with (nonatomic), which is fine for non-thread-safe operations. However, consider if copy should be used for NSString properties to ensure immutability.
    • Read-Only Property: The method property is declared as readonly, which is appropriate if it should not be modified outside the class.
  2. Refactoring for Readability:

    • Use copy Attribute for NSString Properties: This ensures that the properties are immutable and not affected by changes to the original string.
    • Add Documentation: Adding comments to describe the purpose of each property can improve readability.

Refactored Code

#import \"MSIDBrokerOperationRequest.h\"


@interface MSIDBrokerOperationBrowserNativeMessageRequest : MSIDBrokerOperationRequest

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *payloadJson; // Consider using copy if the dictionary is mutable
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessBundleIdentifier; // Use copy for NSString properties
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessTeamId; // Use copy for NSString properties
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessLocalizedName; // Use copy for NSString properties

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *method; // Ensure readonly property is also copied




ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

"### Step-by-Step Plan

  1. Review the Class Implementation:

    • Check for logical errors in the methods.
    • Verify the correctness of the JSON serialization and deserialization.
    • Ensure proper error handling.
    • Look for any potential memory leaks or misuse of properties.
  2. Identify Potential Refactoring:

    • Simplify complex methods.
    • Improve readability by breaking down large methods.
    • Ensure consistent naming conventions.

Code Review and Suggestions

Logical and Syntactical Bugs

  1. Error Handling in initWithJSONDictionary:

    • The method checks for errors but does not always set the error pointer correctly.
  2. JSON Serialization in jsonDictionary:

    • The method should handle potential serialization errors.
  3. Use of NSLocalizedString:

    • Ensure that the localization keys are defined in the localization files.

Refactoring Suggestions

  1. Simplify initWithJSONDictionary:

    • Break down the method into smaller helper methods for readability.
  2. Consistent Error Handling:

    • Create a helper method for error creation to avoid repetition.
  3. Use of Constants:

    • Define string literals as constants for better maintainability.

Refactored Code

#import \"MSIDBrokerOperationBrowserNativeMessageRequest.h\"
#import \"MSIDJsonSerializableTypes.h\"
#import \"MSIDJsonSerializableFactory.h\"
#import \"NSDictionary+MSIDExtensions.h\"


@implementation MSIDBrokerOperationBrowserNativeMessageRequest

+ (void)load
    [MSIDJsonSerializableFactory registerClass:self forClassType:self.operation];

- (NSString *)method

#pragma mark - MSIDBrokerOperationRequest

+ (NSString *)operation

- (NSString *)callerBundleIdentifier
    return self.parentProcessBundleIdentifier ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);

- (NSString *)callerTeamIdentifier
    return self.parentProcessTeamId ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);

- (NSString *)localizedCallerDisplayName
    return self.parentProcessLocalizedName ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);

- (NSString *)localizedApplicationInfo
    NSString *method = self.payloadJson[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_METHOD_KEY];
    MSIDBrokerOperationRequest *brokerOperationRequest = [MSIDJsonSerializableFactory createFromJSONDictionary:self.payloadJson

    if (![NSString msidIsStringNilOrBlank:brokerOperationRequest.localizedApplicationInfo])
        return brokerOperationRequest.localizedApplicationInfo;

    return NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);

#pragma mark - MSIDJsonSerializable

- (instancetype)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
    self = [super initWithJSONDictionary:json error:error];

    if (self)
        if (![self validatePayloadInJSON:json error:error]) return nil;

        _payloadJson = [NSDictionary msidDictionaryFromJSONString:json[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_KEY]];
        if (!_payloadJson)
            [self setError:error withMessage:@\"Failed to serialize payload.\"];
            return nil;

        if (![self validateMethodInPayload:error]) return nil;

        _parentProcessBundleIdentifier = [json msidStringObjectForKey:@\"parent_process_bundle_identifier\"];
        _parentProcessTeamId = [json msidStringObjectForKey:@\"parent_process_teamId\"];
        _parentProcessLocalizedName = [json msidStringObjectForKey:@\"parent_process_localized_name\"];

    return self;

- (BOOL)validatePayloadInJSON:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
    return [json msidAssertType:NSString.class ofKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_KEY required:YES error:error];

- (BOOL)validateMethodInPayload:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
        [self setError:error withMessage:@\"Payload is invalid: no 'method' found.\"];
        return NO;
    return YES;

- (void)setError:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error withMessage:(NSString *)message
    if (error)
        *error = MSIDCreateError(MSIDErrorDomain, MSIDErrorInternal, message, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, YES);

- (NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary
    NSMutableDictionary *json = [[super jsonDictionary] mutableCopy];
    if (!json || !self.payloadJson) return nil;

    json[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_KEY] = [self.payloadJson msidJSONSerializeWithContext:nil];

    return json;


Summary of Changes

  1. Error Handling:

    • Added helper methods validatePayloadInJSON, validateMethodInPayload, and setError for better error handling and readability.
  2. Refactoring:

    • Simplified initWithJSONDictionary by breaking it into smaller methods.
    • Ensured consistent error handling throughout the class. AI-generated content may be incorrect
ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

"I can help you with software development-related questions. However, the provided snippet is a changelog entry, not a class or code snippet. If you have a specific class or code snippet you want reviewed, please provide the actual code, and I can assist you with that. AI-generated content may be incorrect

ameyapat commented 3 weeks ago

"### Plan

  1. Review the class for logical bugs:
    • Check for potential issues in the methods and properties.
    • Ensure proper error handling and validation.
  2. Review the class for syntactical bugs:
    • Ensure correct Objective-C syntax.
  3. Suggest refactoring for readability:
    • Identify areas where the code can be made more readable or maintainable.

Review and Suggestions

Logical Bugs

  1. Localized Application Info Method:

    • The redirectUri is incorrectly assigned the value of self.clientId instead of self.redirectUri.


    __auto_type redirectUri = self.redirectUri ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);
  2. Initialization with JSON Dictionary:

    • Ensure homeAccountId is validated before using it to create an MSIDAccountIdentifier.
    • Properly handle the case where authorityString is invalid.


    if (homeAccountId != nil && ![MSIDAccountIdentifier isAccountIdValid:homeAccountId error:error]) return nil;

Syntactical Bugs

Refactoring for Readability

  1. Localized Application Info Method:

    • Use early returns to reduce nesting.

    Refactored Code:

    - (NSString *)localizedApplicationInfo
       if ([NSString msidIsStringNilOrBlank:self.clientId] && [NSString msidIsStringNilOrBlank:self.redirectUri])
           return self.localizedCallerDisplayName;
       __auto_type clientId = self.clientId ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);
       __auto_type redirectUri = self.redirectUri ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);
       NSString *clientIdKey = NSLocalizedString(@\"Client ID\", nil);
       NSString *redirectUriKey = NSLocalizedString(@\"Redirect URI\", nil);
       return [NSString stringWithFormat:@\"%@: %@ %@: %@\", clientIdKey, clientId, redirectUriKey, redirectUri];
  2. Initialization with JSON Dictionary:

    • Extract validation logic into helper methods for better readability.

    Refactored Code:

    - (instancetype)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
       self = [super initWithJSONDictionary:json error:error];
       if (!self) return nil;
       if (![self validateRequestJson:json error:error]) return nil;
       NSDictionary *requestJson = json[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_KEY];
       _loginHint = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_LOGIN_HINT_KEY];
       NSString *homeAccountId = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY];
       if (homeAccountId || _loginHint)
           _accountId = [[MSIDAccountIdentifier alloc] initWithDisplayableId:_loginHint homeAccountId:homeAccountId];
       _clientId = requestJson[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_CLIENT_ID_KEY];
       _authority = [self createAuthorityFromString:[requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_AUTHORITY_KEY] error:error];
       if (!_authority) return nil;
       _scopes = requestJson[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_SCOPE_KEY];
       _redirectUri = requestJson[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REDIRECT_URI_KEY];
       _prompt = MSIDPromptTypeFromString([requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_PROMPT_KEY]);
       _nonce = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_NONCE_KEY];
       _isSts = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_IS_STS_KEY];
       _state = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_STATE_KEY];
       _instanceAware = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_INSTANCE_AWARE_KEY];
       _extraParameters = requestJson[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_EXTRA_PARAMETERS_KEY];
       _correlationId = [self createCorrelationIdFromString:[requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_CORRELATION_KEY]];
       _platformSequence = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_PLATFORM_SEQUENCE_KEY];
       _canShowUI = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_CAN_SHOW_UI_KEY] ?: YES;
       return self;
    - (BOOL)validateRequestJson:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
       return [json msidAssertType:NSDictionary.class ofKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_KEY required:YES error:error];
    - (MSIDAADAuthority *)createAuthorityFromString:(NSString *)authorityString error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
       if (!authorityString) return nil;
       NSError *localError;
       MSIDAADAuthority *authority = [[MSIDAADAuthority alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:authorityString] rawTenant:nil context:nil error:&localError];
       if (!authority && localError)
           MSID_LOG_WITH_CTX_PII(MSIDLogLevelError, nil, @\"Non AAD authorities are not supported in broker - %@\", MSID_PII_LOG_MASKABLE(localError));
           if (error) *error = localError;
       return authority;
    - (NSUUID *)createCorrelationIdFromString:(NSString *)uuidString
       return uuidString ? [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:uuidString] : [NSUUID UUID];

Final Code

#import \"MSIDBrowserNativeMessageGetTokenRequest.h\"
#import \"MSIDJsonSerializableFactory.h\"
#import \"MSIDAADAuthority.h\"
#import \"MSIDAccountIdentifier.h\"
#import \"MSIDConstants.h\"
#import \"MSIDPromptType_Internal.h\"


@implementation MSIDBrowserNativeMessageGetTokenRequest

+ (void)load
    [MSIDJsonSerializableFactory registerClass:self forClassType:self.operation];

+ (NSString *)operation
    return @\"GetToken\";

#pragma mark - MSIDBrokerOperationRequest

- (NSString *)localizedApplicationInfo
    if ([NSString msidIsStringNilOrBlank:self.clientId] && [NSString msidIsStringNilOrBlank:self.redirectUri])
        return self.localizedCallerDisplayName;

    __auto_type clientId = self.clientId ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);
    __auto_type redirectUri = self.redirectUri ?: NSLocalizedString(@\"N/A\", nil);

    NSString *clientIdKey = NSLocalizedString(@\"Client ID\", nil);
    NSString *redirectUriKey = NSLocalizedString(@\"Redirect URI\", nil);

    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@\"%@: %@ %@: %@\", clientIdKey, clientId, redirectUriKey, redirectUri];

#pragma mark - MSIDJsonSerializable

- (instancetype)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
    self = [super initWithJSONDictionary:json error:error];
    if (!self) return nil;

    if (![self validateRequestJson:json error:error]) return nil;

    NSDictionary *requestJson = json[MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_KEY];
    _loginHint = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_LOGIN_HINT_KEY];
    NSString *homeAccountId = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY];

    if (homeAccountId || _loginHint)
        _accountId = [[MSIDAccountIdentifier alloc] initWithDisplayableId:_loginHint homeAccountId:homeAccountId];

    _authority = [self createAuthorityFromString:[requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_AUTHORITY_KEY] error:error];
    if (!_authority) return nil;

    _prompt = MSIDPromptTypeFromString([requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_PROMPT_KEY]);
    _nonce = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_NONCE_KEY];
    _isSts = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_IS_STS_KEY];
    _state = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_STATE_KEY];
    _instanceAware = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_INSTANCE_AWARE_KEY];
    _correlationId = [self createCorrelationIdFromString:[requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_CORRELATION_KEY]];
    _platformSequence = [requestJson msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_PLATFORM_SEQUENCE_KEY];
    _canShowUI = [requestJson msidBoolObjectForKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_CAN_SHOW_UI_KEY] ?: YES;

    return self;

- (BOOL)validateRequestJson:(NSDictionary *)json error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
    return [json msidAssertType:NSDictionary.class ofKey:MSID_BROWSER_NATIVE_MESSAGE_REQUEST_KEY required:YES error:error];

- (MSIDAADAuthority *)createAuthorityFromString:(NSString *)authorityString error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error
    if (!authorityString) return nil;

    NSError *localError;
    MSIDAADAuthority *authority = [[MSIDAADAuthority alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:authorityString] rawTenant:nil context:nil error:&localError];

    if (!authority && localError)
        MSID_LOG_WITH_CTX_PII(MSIDLogLevelError, nil, @\"Non AAD authorities are not supported in broker - %@\", MSID_PII_LOG_MASKABLE(localError));
        if (error) *error = localError;

    return authority;

- (NSUUID *)createCorrelationIdFromString:(NSString *)uuidString
    return uuidString ? [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:uuidString] : [NSUUID UUID];

- (NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary
    @throw MSIDException(MSIDGenericException, @\"Not implemented.\", nil);


AI-generated content may be incorrect

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

Cloned PR for sedemche/wrap_calling_app_bundle_id

AI description (iteration 1)

PR Classification

New feature

PR Summary

This pull request adds support for handling parent process information in MSIDBrokerOperationBrowserNativeMessageRequest and related classes.

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

"Added 1 Inline Code Review comment(s) at the following location(s):

AI-generated content may be incorrect "

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

"AI code review (iteration 1) It might be better to ensure that the properties parentProcessBundleIdentifier, parentProcessTeamId, and parentProcessLocalizedName are marked as copy instead of strong to prevent potential issues with mutability of NSString objects. When properties of type NSString are declared without copy, they can inadvertently become mutable if assigned a mutable string, which can lead to unexpected behaviors if the string is altered elsewhere in the code. Using copy ensures that a copy of the string is used, maintaining the immutability of the property.

Here is the suggested code:

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessBundleIdentifier;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessTeamId;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessLocalizedName;

This comment refers to line 33 to 35 in the new file. AI-generated content may be incorrect

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

Cloned PR for sedemche/wrap_calling_app_bundle_id

AI description (iteration 1)

PR Classification

New feature

PR Summary

This pull request adds support for handling parent process information in broker operation requests.

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

"Added 1 Inline Code Review comment(s) at the following location(s):

AI-generated content may be incorrect "

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

"AI code review (iteration 1) It might be better to ensure that the properties parentProcessBundleIdentifier, parentProcessTeamId, and parentProcessLocalizedName are marked as copy instead of strong (which is the default). This is particularly important for classes like NSString that have mutable subclasses (NSMutableString). Using copy ensures that the strings cannot be altered after they are set, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of these properties throughout the lifecycle of the object.

Here is the suggested code:

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessBundleIdentifier;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessTeamId;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *parentProcessLocalizedName;

This comment refers to line 33 to 35 in the new file. AI-generated content may be incorrect

oldalton commented 2 weeks ago

Same feedback here - please fill in the description for this PR.

ameyapat commented 2 weeks ago

Cloned PR for sedemche/wrap_calling_app_bundle_id

AI description (iteration 1)

PR Classification

New feature

PR Summary

This pull request adds support for handling parent process information in the MSIDBrokerOperationBrowserNativeMessageRequest class.

ameyapat commented 1 week ago

Cloned PR for sedemche/wrap_calling_app_bundle_id

AI description (iteration 1)

PR Classification

Code cleanup

PR Summary

This pull request removes unused code and refactors error handling in the MSALNativeAuthUserAccountResultTests.