AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-python

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python makes it easy to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID. General docs are available here Stable APIs are documented here Questions can be asked on with tag "msal" + "python".
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Close localhost tab automatically #524

Closed Abdurahman-hassan closed 1 year ago

Abdurahman-hassan commented 1 year ago


After I set http://localhost in the active directory and use the acquire_token_interactive function to fetch the token

The content of redirection after successful authentication: Authentication completed. You can close this window now.

how I can close the localhost tab automatically http://localhost:5001/?code=0.ATAXXXXXX&session_state=8beXXXXXX

Is there a way to automate this process

I'm using msal for python

rayluo commented 1 year ago

It is unlikely that the tab can be automatically closed. In practice, it may not be desirable anyway, because a user usually already has a browser window with multiple tabs, your automatic closing the sign-in tab would probably end up with the user looking at an irrelevant preexisting tab.

You may, however, use an undocumented behavior of MSAL Python to supply a success_template="<html><body>Hooray, you have signed in! Now you may want to read <a href="">our documentation page</a></body></html>". One of MSAL Python's downstream application, the Azure CLI, has a creative usage which can automatically redirect end user to the documentation page after 10 seconds.

Abdurahman-hassan commented 1 year ago

Thank you,

I have added this and it works for me success_template=""" """