AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-python

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python makes it easy to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID. General docs are available here Stable APIs are documented here Questions can be asked on with tag "msal" + "python".
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Feature Request: Removing app tokens #640

Closed rayluo closed 4 months ago

rayluo commented 6 months ago

Problem description: Historically, there is no api in MSAL to remove tokens obtained from AcquireTokenForClient(). Therefore, there is no way for an app to "log out" a service principal.

Proposal: MSALs add a new API ~ConfidentialClientApplication.RemoveAppTokens()~ ConfidentialClientApplication.remove_tokens_for_client().

bgavrilMS commented 6 months ago

CC @jmprieur @localden @pmaytak @gladjohn @trwalke - let's discuss about this next time we meet.

localden commented 5 months ago

@rayluo @bgavrilMS if the app tokens are purged and the user tokens are not, does it have any implications on the end-user experience?

We probably should spec this out.

rayluo commented 5 months ago

@rayluo @bgavrilMS if the app tokens are purged and the user tokens are not, does it have any implications on the end-user experience?

We probably should spec this out.

I believe app tokens and user tokens are independent with each other. This was also called out in the 3rd bullet point in this issue's description.

BTW, there was another github issue came in yesterday, which was actually the same topic. I was proposing a different function name remove_tokens_for_client() there.

bgavrilMS commented 5 months ago

@localden - to remove user tokens, the pattern is

var app = PublicClient or ConfidentialClient;
var accounts = await app.GetAccounts(); 

foreach (var acc in accounts)

So the API is very much focused on the concept of "Account" which is a materialization of a user in a tenant. If you fetch app tokens, GetAccounts returns null.

To me it makes sense to not try to use the user token removal pattern for service principals, but would like to know your opinion.

localden commented 5 months ago

@localden - to remove user tokens, the pattern is

var app = PublicClient or ConfidentialClient;
var accounts = await app.GetAccounts(); 

foreach (var acc in accounts)

So the API is very much focused on the concept of "Account" which is a materialization of a user in a tenant. If you fetch app tokens, GetAccounts returns null.

To me it makes sense to not try to use the user token removal pattern for service principals, but would like to know your opinion.

Makes sense to keep the user and app token patterns somewhat separate. If we treat "Account" as materialization of users and tenants, what is the same alternative for apps?

rayluo commented 5 months ago

@localden - to remove user tokens, the pattern is

var app = PublicClient or ConfidentialClient;
var accounts = await app.GetAccounts(); 

foreach (var acc in accounts)

So the API is very much focused on the concept of "Account" which is a materialization of a user in a tenant. If you fetch app tokens, GetAccounts returns null. To me it makes sense to not try to use the user token removal pattern for service principals, but would like to know your opinion.

Makes sense to keep the user and app token patterns somewhat separate. If we treat "Account" as materialization of users and tenants, what is the same alternative for apps?

I think that "alternative" has long been implicitly established by its acquisition method's naming, AcquireTokenForClient(). So, they are "tokens for client", as opposite to "tokens for a user/account". That's also why I would suggest NOT bother inventing a new concept/noun, we can just have a new API following the same naming pattern as "RemoveTokensForClient()`.