AzureAD / microsoft-identity-web

Helps creating protected web apps and web APIs with Microsoft identity platform and Azure AD B2C
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OWIN Code does not read / use all settings #2387

Closed guillaumejay closed 1 year ago

guillaumejay commented 1 year ago

Microsoft.Identity.Web Library


Microsoft.Identity.Web version


Web app

users and call web APIs


Not Applicable

Token cache serialization

In-memory caches


I'm trying to connect the test/devapps/ MVC/OwinWebApp application to our Azure AD B2C and there is several issues in the AppBuilderExtension method in Microsoft.Identity.Web.Owin : when creating the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions required for UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication :

Reproduction steps

1 I think just trying to connect to an AzureADB2C domain should show at least the replyurl problem

Error message

No response

Id Web logs

No response

Relevant code snippets

this is the current problematic .NET FW classic code :
   string authority = instance + tenantId + "/v2.0";

            OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions options = new()
                ClientId = clientId,
                Authority = authority,
                PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUri,
                Scope = "openid profile offline_access",
                ResponseType = "code",

                Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
=> scope is constant
=> redirecturi is not set
=> authority is not valid with SignUpSignInPolicyId

About this last point, this is the current in Microsoft.Identity.Web/AuthorityHelpers.cs :
      if (options.IsB2C)
          var userFlow = options.DefaultUserFlow;
          return new Uri(baseUri, new PathString($"{baseUri.PathAndQuery}{domain}/{userFlow}/v2.0")).ToString();

      return new Uri(baseUri, new PathString($"{baseUri.PathAndQuery}{tenantId}/v2.0")).ToString();


No response

Expected behavior

I'd like to able to see my Owin configuration in settings replyurl, scope, and SignUpSignInPolicyId used correctly.

By modifying this code locally I was able to make it work.

guillaumejay commented 1 year ago

The solution for this is to use the UpdateOptions parameters of AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp

Maybe the documentation could be clearer ?

Anyway thanks for adding this possibility, great job !

jmprieur commented 1 year ago

Thanks @guillaumejay Would you like to provide a link on an example where you made it work?