AzureCosmosDB / HierarchicalPartitionKeysFeedbackGroup

Repo for the preview of hierarchical partition keys in Cosmos DB.
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Would HierarchialPartitionKeys work with geo-spatial data? #1

Open bdcoder2 opened 2 years ago

bdcoder2 commented 2 years ago


Not really an issue, but a question ...

Curious if there is a way to use HierarchialPartitionKeys with geospatial data and doing "bounds" queries. For example, given a READ-heavy use case, where 99% of queries are utilizing ST_WITHIN and ST_INTERSECTS -- is there a way to utilize HierarchialPartitionKeys with geospatial data?

Currently, for the above use case, we are using the document ID as the partition key and a spatial (geography) index on a Point (latitude / longitude) -- which seems to work well, but if there is a better way to approach the problem, I would be interested in knowing as there seems to be a lack of examples that deal with geospatial design / queries.

Thanks in advance.