AzureDoom / AzureLib

Based off Geckolib but now just for my own needs.
MIT License
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goblin traders incompatible (?) #54

Closed existentialclown closed 2 weeks ago

existentialclown commented 3 weeks ago

playing on a modded forge server. the server itself has no issue running the two mods together, but when i try to even start forge minecraft (for myself) it crashes. goblinazurecrash.txt

AzureDoom commented 3 weeks ago

If you are using Optifine, that's why

existentialclown commented 3 weeks ago

ive seen people with shaders use this mod also, is it just that optifine is incompatible with the library?

AzureDoom commented 2 weeks ago

It's just optifine, the better shader ones work just fine. No one should be using Optifine honestly