Azurency / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
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Fall 2017 Patch #152

Closed Azurency closed 6 years ago

Azurency commented 6 years ago

So the Fall 2017 Patch is here.

We'll keep the good practice to use this issue as the "master issue" of all the fall 2017 patch related issue. ⚠️ So please report your bugs here and not on separate issues.

👷‍♀️ About patching CQUI

Yes, we're aware of the issues. It's almost always resolved by merging the patch changes (and there're may be quite a few, we'll see) into the mod files, but often require us to adapt the mod changes to new naming, functions, code removed/moved, etc. That's why it may take some time (I mean more than a day, waaay more), if the patch is big or if there're some breaking changes.

🔨 How we'll proceed

We'll try to (roughly) follow these steps, maybe not in that exact order :


sparrow8332 commented 6 years ago

Using latest fall-2017 branch did a little test game noticed NO Unit Report Screen Button.


MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@sparrow8332: Yes, indeed, I had already noticed this and reported at the following link (without clarification):

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@sparrow8332 @MauiSven again, not everything is merged. The URS is still waiting for review and so the reportscreen.lua that adds the icon to the launchbar is not updated.

I will tell you when to start testing and reporting bug that may still exist.

kecker79 commented 6 years ago

It's not their job, this is a hobby they do out of the kindness of their hearts in their spare time. You can help the cause by not being an asshole.

kecker79 commented 6 years ago

If you read back through the history of this effort, it looks like next week. Which given the changes that Firaxis vomited out without warning, I think is a miraculous turnaround.

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

Have the content of the 57 changed files (stand now) transmitted and the game checked: Everything what I couldt check is ok, very good, fine, thank you very much, I'm loving it, I LOVE YOU! All the best to all devs and contributors!

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Ok great, everything is merged now 🎉, we can start testing.

How to test Just pick the source of the fall-2017 branch, follow the installation instructions and play !

I will want to push a steam update Saturday I think, or if everything is ok and I have many feedback, maybe even tomorrow evening. The folks back at the workshop will be happy.

BlackSmokeDMax commented 6 years ago

Any preference on completely unsubscribing to other mods as compared to just making sure not to enable other mods? (Besides CQUI itself, I assume it is best to un-subscribe to the Steam version for now)

Oh, and THANKS for all the work!! :)

ricanuck commented 6 years ago

For testing with an on-going game that you don't want to lose: add the following to the properties of the modinfo file:


and then load your ongoing game. In fact, we should probably add that line to the modinfo officially, as the mod is pure UI and should not affect savegames anyways.

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@ricanuck Do you mean the file "CQUI-SparrowEdit.modinfo" at "..\workshop\content\289070\1125169247"?

jelmerj commented 6 years ago

I've been playing a few more turns in a hotseat game I'm playing with a friend of mine and everything seemed to worked perfectly. We couldn't continue previously because my friend wanted to build a wonder and he had to choose a civic, both of which are working now!

LordYanaek commented 6 years ago

Setting <AffectsSavedGames>0</AffectsSavedGames> would probably help get CQUI approved (or at least tolerated) for GotM which would be great. I've been using this trick myself for several games now without any issues. However if i understand correctly CQUI does actually store data inside the saves (options and production queue) so in a sense it does affect saved games.

I currently have a perfectly reproducible issue where the entire UI disappears during AI turn after T77 on the current GotM (using fall-2017 branch). I reloaded the autosave 3 times and got the same issue each time. I'm not sure it's a CQUI bug but i have no other mod. I can tell it's the AI turn because when i bring the menu with the esc key (it's the only part of the UI still working) i can exit but not save. It doesn't seem to actually progress to the point when i once again get my turn (but maybe i didn't wait long enough) which is strange for an UI bug but if it doesn't come from CQUI, then Firaxis seriously messed something in that patch. It seems like it's actually a CQUI bug, i reloaded the same save after disabling CQUI and could get through the AI turns without loosing the UI. Trajan contacted me to congratulate me on the size of my empire during that AI turn so maybe the issue was caused by that message not being properly displayed.

I don't know whether i should open a new issue or report in this thread. I can give you all my logs and/or the save if it can help.

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

@LordYanaek I could only test this tomorrow evening (in like 18 hours or something), but if it's reproducible from the save game, at least on your machine, sharing the save game should be the quickest option in order to resolve this.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Yes CQUI store GameConfiguration data for its settings on the save, but you can load CQUI games without the mod, there are several tricks to dot that in fact, and it's not breaking anything. We'll consider adding this.

And yes please, having the log when reporting any issue is a big help 👍

ricanuck commented 6 years ago

@Azurency : check latest pull req, some important code was missing inside the diplo ribbon lua file, which made the relationship tooltip misbehave. This should go into the Fall update before release.

oerms commented 6 years ago

Another bug: When viewing the map through the Religion lens (clicking a Missionary or Apostle) the religious regions and the influence indication disappear when the mouse is over certain icons (I am not sure this is the right term): sometimes cities ("banners"?), sometimes unit icons. But not all cities nor all units but only a few of them.

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

The same bug oerms mentioned happens if you open any Lens in the Lenses menu and move your mouse over a religious unit

astog commented 6 years ago

I'll try and fix that today. Thank you for reporting this

BlackSmokeDMax commented 6 years ago

So, yesterday I left a report that was a bit mangled, I probably shouldn't have done it in a hurry before I left. Today I'll explain it a bit better. I will also delete my original post.

This issue happened while a builder and slinger were in the same tile. The builder was not able to build a farm because some of the panel containing all of the builder operations was being obscured. I resolved this by moving the slinger out of the tile. I have a screen shot showing this. Note you can see part of the build farm button, but you can not use that button, even in the area where you can fit the mouse pointer. Obviously the ideal behavior is you can still use your builder with a military unit in the same tile, so somewhat of a major issue.

LordYanaek commented 6 years ago

I triple checked the save and got the missing UI again so on my machine at least, it's perfectly reproducible. I let Civ6 run for several minutes just in case and the UI never showed up, nor did the AI turn end.

Here is a zip with the save and my logs. I can't upload it here, i always get a message "Something went really wrong, and we can't process that file. Try again" so i put it on my dropbox

I downloaded the fall-2017 branch yesterday to try it with the current "Game of the month". The mod's folder is called "CQUI_Community-Edition-fall-2017" so i think i didn't mess things up (and i guess i shouldn't have been able to play to T77 with an older version). I have a few mods installed but none currently selected. I have all the DLCs but they were disabled at creation for that save as is usual for GotM. I'm on a PC with Windows 10 in case it's a useful information.

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

@LordYanaek The save game works fine on my machine, but I saw a number of localization warnings in your logs. Judging by the logs (and I might horribly misjudge here), it looks like two CQUI instances are being loaded. Is it possible that you have the CQUI fall branch in your regular mod folder, but still have the old CQUI version in your steam workshop folder? Can you navigate to \SteamApps\workshop\content\289070 and check the folders in there for something which looks like CQUI?

georgwacker commented 6 years ago

Found a bug where the promotion icon on the unit & the promotion button itself on a scout disappeared. Moving the unit once made it appear again.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@astog Thx, I'll leave it to you then. Open a pull request when it's fixed 👍

@BlackSmokeDMax Thx for this report, I fixed this bug, the size of the ExpandSecondaryActionStack that was auto expanded by CQUI was not updating correctly (I don't get why, it's a new bug introduced with this patch I guess)

@LordYanaek Looks like your translation for LOC_GOSSIP_SOURCE_DELEGATE is empty and that made CQUI_TrimGossipMessage() in civ6common.lua crash. I had this problem myself with other mods that changed some localizations like removing some gossip (Simplified Gossip for instance), but anyway I changed the code so that it would now only print an error and not make the UI disappear or be game breaking (although it's not normal to have this error)

@georgwacker I think this promotion button hiding is related to what I solved for @BlackSmokeDMax but having the logs and maybe a screenshot/savegame will help a lot to identify the issue

cpinter commented 6 years ago

I downloaded the fall-2017 branch and started a game. A few issues I noticed until I couldn't continue the game:

Sorry if I'm being redundant, just thought I'd report what I found.

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

@cpinter @TheHandiCraftsman The bugs you describe is exactly what the CQUI Summer version behaved like after the Fall update. Are you sure you didn't download the master by accident?

oerms commented 6 years ago

@cpinter @TheHandiCraftsman Also, rename the extracted folder: delete "fall-2017".

LordYanaek commented 6 years ago

@Timmeey86 & @Azurency sorry for the false report then, i checked DebugLocalization.sqlite and LOC_GOSSIP_SOURCE_DELEGATE is indeed empty for en_US only. That would also explain why i occasionally had missing localization (such as on the change policy reminder popup) and maybe why i had some German text occasionally show up with the previous version (i considered it a minor glitch).

Took me some time to find something wrong. I had a "ghost" of an old chaorace CQUI (UUID : 03B8BDDE-DEAD-BEEF-9540-26E685E3156E) in the content browser inside Civ6 but couldn't find it in either mod folders (workshop or regular) and kept it disabled. Following it's tracks in Mods.sqlite i finally found it inside my dlc folder. Turns out i tried to get it working as a DLC like EUI did in Civ5 in order to be able to use it with saved games created without CQUI (before the AffectsSavedGames tag was introduced/discovered) and then forgot it was there.

Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. LOC_GOSSIP_SOURCE_DELEGATE is still empty and the t77 save still locks with no UI. I already verified my files with Steam. I'll try a full uninstall and reinstall. Didn't have to reinstall in the end. I deleted the entire Base\Assets\Text folder from my Civ6 directory and validated again. This time Steam noticed something was wrong and downloaded the correct files. Looks like Steam validation doesn't always work (at least for localization files), might be useful to spread the word.

OldFartAtPlay commented 6 years ago

Just created a github account so that I could log in and add my thanks to you all. CQUI improves Civ VI by an order of magnitude, so what you are doing really makes a difference. Incidentally, as a retired software developer, I'm fascinated by github - it looks like an excellent system! Thanks again, and keep up the good work.

vtmatt commented 6 years ago

I haven't seen this one mentioned yet (though I have a 6 day old newborn baby keeping me up, so it's possible I just missed it in my sleep deprived state!).

I started a full earth game with all civs except one (only one Greek leader) in play. When I check the score tab on world rankings, it displays the "You are in xxxxxx place" message wrong. Appears to be only if you are 21st or worse, though that's anecdotal, as I haven't seen every potential ranking yet.

Image attached. Not sure off the top of my head how to do log/save-game upload, but if either are needed, let me know and I'll add those ASAP.


EDIT: Another one from the same game. Met the Mohenjo-Daro city state. It's called that on the city-state tab (and every other game I've found them...), but displays in the world as Larkana.

mohenjodaro larkana

EDIT 2: After hitting 'next turn', any units with multi-turn moves in progress move, as expected. If any finish their turns, and I'm prompted to reassign them, any civics which also finished that turn pop up the 'new cards' reminder a second time. Believe this reminder is only intended to pop up at the start of a turn.

georgwacker commented 6 years ago

Re Promotion-Bug: I tested with your recent commit and also astogs PR for the lens-fix. With the lens-fix it now shows the promotion icon on turn 14 when I load the game, but after moving the scout once, it disappears again (icon and button) on the next turn, even though the promotion is still available. A couple of turns later it shows up again. TEDDY ROOSEVELT 14 3480

oerms commented 6 years ago

@vtmatt Ranking with variable name The game itself does not support rankings for more than 20 players, as seen in %steamapps&\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Text\en_US\InGameText.xml lines 3952 and following. I try and generate a file for this to go up to 30. Do you think this is enough? EDIT: I fixed it and it will be merged after the fall-2017 updates are done.

Policy Reminder This remainder is intended to remind you to set newly available policies before you accidentally end the turn. It costs money to do it the next turn. We should implement that it stays off after you discarded it the first time during the turn. EDIT: This might be accomplished by replacing line 607 in the actionpanel.lua by elseif(CQUI_CheckPolicyCanBeChanged() and CQUI_PolicyReminderClosed == false) then?

skodkim commented 6 years ago

Small issue with the world builder using the beta from a few hours ago: Assigned starting positions on a map are invisible on the map (but clicking in the time you can se that it is still there).


Azurency commented 6 years ago

@vtmatt That's funny, Larkana is an actual city close to Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan, I think that's why the dev changed the name to that, I don't think it has anything to do with CQUI. For the policy reminder popup, it's an issue that were already here before the patch (but the policy reminder popup was never pushed to steam) and I forgot to fix it, it's done now.

@georgwacker I have tested with your save, it's working fine. Is the promote button replaced by the cancel button ? I think it's a normal behavior, you can't consume all your movements AND upgrade the unit. Other than that, for me it's always showing fine if I have movements left.

@skodkim Is CQUI needed in the world builder ?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

I think we're ready to merge everything back to master, CQUI seems to work well and there's no game breaking problems. I'll do that this evening, then @sparrow8332 will update the steam version. The remaining bugs, if any, will then have their own issue.

imkailasraj commented 6 years ago

i don't know if this issue is addressed or not.the top bat(faith gold etc)flickers after pressing the next turn.And also how to update when new version comes?will the existing game be affected?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@georgwacker oh I think I see what you mean. You're talking about the flag on the unit, the red + sign, not the action button on the unit panel ? Well yes there's a bug here I just noticed, it's not showing when a unit have an order to move somewhere but can have a promotion. It's because CQUI check for CanStartCommand but it return false if there is no movement left, I'll fix this.

@imkailasraj you're using the summer version of CQUI not the fall-2017 version you can find on the appropriate branch here on GitHub. If you're subscribe on steam, just wait for the update.

georgwacker commented 6 years ago

Turn 14 loaded: promotion_correct

Next turn: promotion_nextturn

Both disappear. But the little icon on the unit also vanishes with vanilla (just loaded the save there).

sparrow8332 commented 6 years ago

@georgwacker have you tried the latest fall-2017 branch ? im sure @Azurency fixed this but i could be wrong

skodkim commented 6 years ago

@Azurency AFAIK cqui is not needed at all when you use the world builder.

It's still loaded though (small tobacco icon work cqui options visible) and somehow it causes starting positions to become invisible. After removing the mod they came back again. It's not a priority for now I guess.

Keep up the good work - it's amazing what you doing!


Azurency commented 6 years ago

@georgwacker @sparrow8332 It's not a bug 🙈 you just can't promote a unit when it have not move left, and giving it an order to move to somewhere consume all the movements it can, but is played at the end of the turn, it's the "1" you see in the screenshot. To promote you can to cancel the order. For the flag, I'm trying to fix it now, by comparing the current exp and the max exp and always show the "+" sign if it >=

Edit : It's fixed now (the flag)

cpinter commented 6 years ago

@Timmeey86 @oerms I'm absolutely sure I got the proper branch. I also renamed the folder. But I didn't unsubscribe from it in steam just disabled that mod, and enabled the other one (the new one that appeared once I copied it over). It does seem that the old mod is used, and not sure what goes wrong. It was not clear whether I should unsubscribe but I didn't want to do that :) Maybe I should if I want to test?

Update: After unsubscribing on steam it works well. It's stupid that disabling it is not enough... Sorry for the noise!!

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Last update Well, I think we're all good now. Thank you ,everyone, for the help, contributions and bug finding 👍 we would not have been so fast without all that. I've merged the update to the master branch 🎉 and the Steam version will very soon be updated.

If you find a bug, please open a new issue and not post it here.

Back to playing and implementing new stuff then.

lanych commented 6 years ago

Great job, guys!! You did it! The civ is shining now again ))

orochi28 commented 6 years ago

policy change reminder bug

Thank you guys so much for the timely update! I'm excited to play with CQUI again.

Looks like the latest update included a policy change reminder? I somehow got it on turn 1, when there was no government or policy to choose from. When I click on "Change Government", nothing happens and the dialog box stays there, though I am able to close the dialog and end turn. Wondering if it's a bug?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@orochi28 Yes that's not supposed to happen, it should be hidden upon initialization. If you still have the issue, can you open a new issue here on Github ? I'll close this one.