Azurency / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
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Rise and Fall and #283

Closed Azurency closed 6 years ago

Azurency commented 6 years ago

The first expansion is here. Rise and Fall looks great and of course as it adds new things we have to work on the mod to make it compatible.

We'll keep the good practice to use this issue as the "master issue" of all the Rise and Fall patch related issue. ⚠️ So please report your bugs here and not on separate issues.

πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ About patching CQUI

Yes, we're aware of the issues. It's almost always resolved by merging the patch changes (and there're some, in this 1go patch) into the mod files, but often require us to adapt the mod changes to new naming, functions, code removed/moved, etc. That's why it may take some time (I mean more than a day, waaay more), if the patch is big or if there're some breaking changes.

πŸ€” Rise and Fall and base game patch

I don't know how it'll turn out, I'll edit this part later for more precisions. For now I think that we'll do something like that :

  1. Update cqui for the patch without the expansion
  2. Move on the Rise and Fall expansion and focus on it for any future update

I'm new to modding for Civilization and don't know how expansions are dealt with, so I prefer to proceed this way (sorry for those with the expansion that might have to wait a little more).

πŸ”¨ How we'll proceed

We'll try to (roughly) follow these steps, maybe not in that exact order :


Azurency commented 6 years ago

I made the diff for the base game patch, they're here : It's a big patch, 160 changed files (+5771, -3893) it's less than the Fall and Summer 2017 patches. But still not nothing.

Now that we have the diffs, I'll soon make a list of which files in the mod need to be looked at and changed (and how much it changed, which generally means how much work needs to be done).

wayneb64 commented 6 years ago

Awesome news this is being worked on! Is there any thought to keeping a version separate for Vanilla and not merging once the R&F version is ready? I certainly plan on upgrading to R&F and maybe everyone does so this would be pointless. The real question is how painful would it be to have separate versions of the mod on Steam? If it would just cause more problems, then just forget the idea.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Here's a list of files that needs to be changed :

CQUI changes

Integrations changes




ML :

That's a lot of small changes everywhere, and some big changes. Might take about the same amount of time that it took us to fix the mod after the fall 2017 patch. At the very least one week.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@wayneb64 I don't know if we'll do two versions on steam, we'll have to think about it. Whatever we decide, there will be a dedicated branch here on GitHub and a link to manually download the CQUI version compatible with the base game.

astog commented 6 years ago

I guess it is time to break my hibernation huh. I'll start patching stuff right away. No promises on time though.

oerms commented 6 years ago

I will continue working on the easy files tomorrow or on Monday evening. To get some checkmarks done. Always good psychologically. ;)

eporres commented 6 years ago

Looking to contribute however I can, and I just have one question. What's the best way to avoid duplicate work? Is checking the pull requests the only way to get a feeling for what other people are doing?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@eporres Well... There should be a way. But right now yes, checking the pull request + the files that are checked here in the issue as well as taking a look at the commit on the patch branch is the way to know what other people work on. Maybe I should create a new Chanel in the Discord ( so anyone can tell on which file they're working.

jeffpierce commented 6 years ago

Would setting up a kanban board help with work organization? I can do that.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@Azurency Yeah, I think that's a good idea. It might even prove beneficial in the future as a place for discussion/feedback.

ihendriks commented 6 years ago

@jeffpierce I think a kanban for all these small diff files will not be worth your time. As long as @Azurency keeps the checklist above in check it should be alright.

bollbas commented 6 years ago

Hi, @Azurency. I'm trying to update real housing function but I have some troubles with it. R&F expansion doesn't use vanilla 'CityBannerManager.lua' at all. It uses another 'CityBannerManager.lua' file located in '\DLC\Expansion1\UI\CityBanners\'. What to do with it?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@bolbass We're not working on Rise and Fall yet, but on the base game patch. I still haven't look at R&F and did not even play a game. That what I thought, the expansion looks like it's loaded "like a mod" with its files replacing the base game files.

rojona commented 6 years ago

@Azurency Are the R&F changes inactive when choosing another rule set? Does that mean that the base game patch version of CQUI could be installed over a game with R&F but be played as if it's vanilla?

BlackSmokeDMax commented 6 years ago

Hmm, hadn't considered the whole vanilla and expansion thing. Wonder how much the two are different with:

  1. R&F not selected in Steam (in Library - DLC section of the game)
  2. R&F not selected in mods menu
  3. or with just not using the R&F ruleset via the game setup dialog

Sounds like this could get very messy.

oerms commented 6 years ago

The base game files should be done. Now it's about testing and finding what CQUI does not work anymore because of game changes. Does anybody know which integrations are already being worked on? Any word from the respective owners?

rojona commented 6 years ago

@oerms Are those files available as a test release?

oerms commented 6 years ago

They are not merged yet into Azurencys repo... But you can manually pull all the forks and try them out.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@oerms well @astog seems to have updated something on BES, but we might not wait for him to update its other mods (BTS, ML). IDS will need to be updated by us as no one is providing any more support (I updated it for the last summer and fall patch, it's quite an heavily modified file compared to the base game one)

Azurency commented 6 years ago

A small progress update : I've done the review of all the pull requests on GitHub, waiting for some changes by the contributors but it looks great. We'll then move on to the integrations. I'll update IDS myself as it's not maintained. We'll pull the changes made by @astog on BES. For his other mods, we'll see this weekend if it's updated or not, if it's not will start working on it (and then post a pull request on his repo so he can update them easily)

Azurency commented 6 years ago

I think we can start testing now, by downloading the Patch- branch here. But keep in mind that espionnage, trade route, lenses and deal view are not yet updated. If you find a bug somewhere else, you can report it here.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@Azurency Anything specific you want us to do in order to keep the issues we find more organized?

Just from starting a quick game, I see the following:

Bruellhusten commented 6 years ago

Delayed Eureka popups Eureka for farming a resource did not show up until I placed a district down even though the farm was built several actions before (on the same turn).

This is broken without CQUI as well. So more a goodie if the mod fixes this as well.

wayneb64 commented 6 years ago

I have been playing Vanilla with the 216 patch and I have not seen this issue with the Eureka popups. Is this maybe an R&F issue?

Jim102469 commented 6 years ago

Did the 220 patch on Feb 13 mess up anything that you had already worked on? I would love to help test if you like. It's what I do for a living as a software test engineer. I will pull down the branch and take a look.

BlackSmokeDMax commented 6 years ago

@Bruellhusten Haven't seen that behavior, either before or after the Feb 13th patch.

I am playing with: R&F All DLC following mods: Sukritacts: "civ selection screen" and "improved mod screen" Caps Lock Improved Kineticam

Bruellhusten commented 6 years ago

I just started a new game and tried to reproduce it, but it worked. When I wrote this last night I was thinking of several other eurekas that popped up late. Like the "get 3 archers" for machinery. It was in a multiplayer session though. But it happened more than once and explicitly after another action. Like you fulfill the archer requirement by upgrading another slinger. And the eureka notification shows up 3 seconds later when you do the next action, like placing a new district. I only saw this behavior after R&F release.

I will try to reproduce this.

Am running on the latest patch and R&F as well. But just the Australia DLC. Mods: Yet (not) another Maps Pack

wayneb64 commented 6 years ago

There is a minor but annoying bug I noticed after the latest mod drop to Steam that caused the citizen highlights to get 'confused' in the city view. While in map view with the citizen highlights (not sure what to call it) enabled you can mouse over a city header and it would show the citizens with either green or yellow borders on their hex to indicate locked or not. The bug was when you actually clicked on the city header and opened the city it would switch states and you could NOT see these highlights unless you clicked a citizen again. Easy to work around, but annoying in that it always happens unless you click a different city header while already in city view. It's just a state change bug somewhere but would be nice if that were fixed with the rest of the issues caused by the patch.

wayneb64 commented 6 years ago

I see they patched the base game again, did that mess things up again with the mod updates? (Revision 220 now)

alexeyOnGitHub commented 6 years ago

would it be possible to release a "beta" version of CQUI for RiseAndFall with the most basic features first, before releasing a "full" version (with everything else also fixed)?

e.g. with there basic features -

side note / off-topic - separating this mod into several smaller independent modules (with their own release schedules) would hopefully enable faster releases in the future after Civ6 updates or expansion packs.

ProustIdee commented 6 years ago

You can use the branch

Unzip into \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\

alexeyOnGitHub commented 6 years ago

@ProustIdee I unpacked that file to "Mods" folder as you suggested. started Civ6 RaF. I see two "CQUI" mods on "additional content" page - one disabled (from Steam workshop) and another one with the same name - enabled (I assume this is the one from the Zip file). then I resumed an existing game. cannot move units with a mouse. maybe the old mod is still loaded somehow?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@wayneb64 fixed already in def7bba82e166689cb744b82fb39c3998576407c (related to #228) @eporres thx for reporting that, I'll fix the production queue and will take a look at the envoys.

About the integrations : We have to start working on them now, BTS and ML need to be upgraded if anyone wants to contribute you can merge the changes and create a pull request. I'll pull the changes of BES from @astog repo, he updated it recently.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@alexeyOnGitHub The mod is not compatible with Rise and Fall yet, right now we're working on updating it for the latest base game patch (without Rise and Fall expansion enabled).

alexeyOnGitHub commented 6 years ago

@Azurency I understand, and thank you very much for doing this! one thing I was thinking - separating some high-priority features like production queue and city yields into a different module could enable faster independent releases... just a thought.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@Azurency For the integrations, do you guys usually contribute with a pull request to their respective repos and then bring the changes over to CQUI as a patch? I guess I don't fully understand what you mean by merge and then open a pull request. Merge in their latest changes?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@eporres I mean, do exactly like the cqui files in fact. Merge the changed of the patch to the files and open a pull request here, then we'll send a pull request to the respective repos.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@Azurency The only reason I asked was because @astog seems to have already begun fixing stuff for this latest patch. At least it seems that way, both repos have a branch for the patch and are ahead of master.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@eporres yes, we should bring his changes and test it/complete it if it's not finished (I'm saying this because it's not yet on master so it might not be fully completed)

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@eporres regarding the "Quick suzerain indicator" what indicator are you referring to ? The city states report screen on the panel ?

astog commented 6 years ago

I hate to give timelines, since people then get expectations πŸ˜„ , but I should be finishing my local patches tonight. Hopefully port them into CQUI by tomorrow.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@Azurency I'm starting to wonder if I'm simply not understanding what this number in the UI means. Either way, I'm attaching a couple of images so that this can be clarified (at least for me πŸ˜›). The first image shows Victoria as the suzerain for Carthage with four envoys. However, if I bring up the panel with the number of envoys from each civilization, Victoria has actually only sent three envoys to Carthage. Does the four in this case not represent the number of envoys that the suzerain has sent?



BlackSmokeDMax commented 6 years ago

@eporres the number 4 in the Amsterdam case is the quantity you need to become suzerain. So in that column right above/below each other it shows 3 (your current) and 4 (# required for you to become suzerain. For Carthage you have 1 and you would need to get to 4 to become suzerain.

eporres commented 6 years ago

@BlackSmokeDMax Thanks for the explanation. Now I feel dumb. @Azurency Never mind what I said. Apparently I need to get more familiar with this mod πŸ˜„.

gasmasher commented 6 years ago

@Bruellhusten I had the delayed eureka in a game with all DLC enabled tonight. When I upgraded a Sumerian War Cart all the eureka dialog triggered. I am using the Azurency patch (zip) from 2/17/2018. The only other community mod I have is Detailed Worlds latest.

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@Azurency Are the changes due to the compatible with the

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven yes, the changes of are here, and there's nothing

deiga commented 6 years ago

@gasmasher The delayed Eureka is a bug in the actual game and not in this mod.

rasputinoz commented 6 years ago

Downlaoded the patch to try and help test but it wont let me move the units at all.

ihendriks commented 6 years ago

Downlaoded the patch to try and help test but it wont let me move the units at all.

@rasputinoz Did you download the right branch? The correct zip is here. And the mod doesn't work for Rise & Fall yet, so you want to make sure you're playing on standard ruleset, not R&F.