B-3PO / angular-material-expansion-panel

Material Design Expansion Panels for Angular Material
MIT License
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expose panel state #13

Closed Michael-Dawkins closed 8 years ago

Michael-Dawkins commented 8 years ago

I could not find a way to let a panel content know if it is currently being displayed or not. Because of this, I cannot apply ng-if to heavy panel content.

I tried to decorate with a directive of my own, but it does not work when the panel is opened via keyboard navigation.

Do you plan on exposing this state ?

Thank you

        .directive('exposeExpansionPanelState', exposeExpansionPanelState);

    function exposeExpansionPanelState() {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            require: '^^mdExpansionPanel',
            link: ExposeExpansionPanelState

    /* @ngInject */
    function ExposeExpansionPanelState(scope, element, attrs, expansionPanelCtrl) {
        var expandFunction = expansionPanelCtrl.expand;
        var collapseFunction = expansionPanelCtrl.collapse;

        expansionPanelCtrl.expand = function() {
            scope.$isOpen = true;

        expansionPanelCtrl.collapse = function() {
            scope.$isOpen = false;
B-3PO commented 8 years ago

I will add an isExpanded function to the exapnsionPanelService and scope $panel object. I will post an example with the update

Michael-Dawkins commented 8 years ago

That is great news, thank you!

B-3PO commented 8 years ago

added an isOpen function to the panel service and directive

    <div ng-if="$panel.isOpen()"></div>

if added through the $mdExpansionPanelGroup service and controller is assigned

angular.module('app').controller('panelCtrl', function ($panel) {
  $panel.then(function (instance) {