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[BUG]: No way to add PDF Instructions (large file) #232

Closed alv67 closed 2 years ago

alv67 commented 2 years ago

Description of the bug

Do we want to enable LFS just for some files as the Build Instructions?

Steps To Reproduce

Add a large file > 25Mb

Additional Information

No response

gmacario commented 2 years ago


Do we want to enable LFS just for some files as the Build Instructions?

Couldn't we use MS Azure storage service instead?

Please see https://github.com/B-AROL-O/ARNEIS/issues/171

gmacario commented 2 years ago

Additionally, I would tend to NOT check-in this particular .PDF in the source repository, since if I am not mistaken the PDF can be generated out of the *.io file.

Is my understanding correct?

If so, it would probably be more appropriate to update https://github.com/B-AROL-O/ARNEIS/blob/main/mocs/project/README.md (or even better, create another HOWTO) to document how the PDF can be generated, and maybe provide a link to a generated artifact, such as the one I just uploaded to MS Azure Storage Service.

alv67 commented 2 years ago

Double-checked on the Bricklink Studio Forum and not found a way to create a PDF via something different of Exporting inside the application. As for the HOWTO, if is will be only concerning the creation of the PDF it will be not of a great value. If the HOWTO will be concerning all the possibles works to create and edit the instruction, this will be a way too long and complex work that I can't do in this few spare time...