B-Musick / biopython_ui

UI for biopython which connects to Django api
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Translating RNA to protein #21

Closed B-Musick closed 3 months ago

B-Musick commented 3 months ago


B-Musick commented 3 months ago

Start Codon

The start codon is the RNA string AUG, which is transcribed from the DNA string ATG. In the genetic code, the start codon corresponds to the amino acid methionine, which triggers the beginning of translation of a molecule of mRNA into protein.

Stop Codon

A stop codon is an RNA codon that, when encountered by a ribosome during RNA translation, immediately terminates translation because there does not exist a molecule of tRNA whose anticodon will base pair with the stop codon. A stop codon is also known as a "nonsense codon" because translation terminates for the simple reason that the ribosome does not know how to proceed.

The three possible stop codons are UAG , UGA, and UAA, which are transcribed from the respective DNA codons TAG, TGA, and TAA.

COdon Table

UUU F      CUU L      AUU I      GUU V
UUC F      CUC L      AUC I      GUC V
UUA L      CUA L      AUA I      GUA V
UUG L      CUG L      AUG M      GUG V
UCU S      CCU P      ACU T      GCU A
UCC S      CCC P      ACC T      GCC A
UCA S      CCA P      ACA T      GCA A
UCG S      CCG P      ACG T      GCG A
UAU Y      CAU H      AAU N      GAU D
UAC Y      CAC H      AAC N      GAC D
UAA Stop   CAA Q      AAA K      GAA E
UAG Stop   CAG Q      AAG K      GAG E
UGU C      CGU R      AGU S      GGU G
UGC C      CGC R      AGC S      GGC G
UGA Stop   CGA R      AGA R      GGA G
UGG W      CGG R      AGG R      GGG G 
B-Musick commented 3 months ago


B-Musick commented 3 months ago
