B-UMMI / chewBBACA_tutorial

Step by step tutorial using chewBBACA with all necessary files and results
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About the prodigal #2

Closed huizhen2014 closed 5 years ago

huizhen2014 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am new to chewBBACA. Through my practice and I noticed in the process of CreateSchema we should input a file suffixed with .trn, and I also was not familiar with prodigal. The codes are blow:

chewBBACA.py CreateSchema -i complete_genomes/ --cpu 6 -o schema_seed --ptf Streptococcus_agalactiae.trn

So, could you mind to tell me how to use prodigal to make a training set? Thanks.

jacarrico commented 5 years ago

Hello Carlos The command line for prodigal is the following: prodigal -i referenceGenome.fasta -t trfName.trn -p single

you just have to choose a reference genome for the species of interest, which we usually use a complete genome (referenceGenome.fasta) that should be the best validated one. Then you choose the output file (rfName.trn ) and that is it.

For further information please refer to : https://github.com/hyattpd/prodigal/wiki

Hope it helped! Cheers JAC

huizhen2014 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I have found the bacterial reference genome from genbank through NCBI website, and the cds_fna sequence in the same directory, such as this link :


So, I was wondering why we did not use the known location directly instead predicting it with prodigal, If we grasped the CDS location for each assemble sequence.

mickaelsilva commented 5 years ago

We want to keep the CDS predictions the most standardized and reproducible possible. For that reason we always use prodigal over the genomes and the usage of the same prodigal training file is the best way to ensure the best prediction result concordance.

Also, those known locations in the cds_fna file were most probably predicted using some software, either prodigal or a similar one. Results would either be the same or very similar.

huizhen2014 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your pretty detailed explanation.Then, for the reference genome I usually select it from NCBI. To compare it with other sources, all of them will work well according the predicting scenario. If I made any mistakes, please help me correct them. Thanks.Hui ZhenCentral LaboratoryShen Zhen Second People's HospitalSent from my Huawei Mobile-------- Original Message --------Subject: Re: [B-UMMI/chewBBACA_tutorial] About the prodigal (#2)From: Mickael To: B-UMMI/chewBBACA_tutorial CC: Carlos Hui ,Author We want to keep the CDS predictions the most standardized and reproducible possible. For that reason we always use prodigal over the genomes and the usage of the same prodigal training file is the best way to ensure the best prediction result concordance. Also, those known locations in the cds_fna file were most probably predicted using some software, either prodigal or a similar one. Results would either be the same or very similar.

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jacarrico commented 5 years ago

@huizhen2014 if you are using analyzing Acinetobacter we already have a training file so you can use the option '-trf Acinetobacter_baumannii.trn . It was made using this reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/CP000521

huizhen2014 commented 5 years ago

Thank you!