I tried to creat salmonella scheme by myself and entered the command line as follows"chewBBACA.py CreateSchema -i cgMLST/ -o Salmonellascheme --cpu 8 --ptf training/Salmonella_enterica.trn", but it prompted error message "chewbbaca scheme creation error:BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for protein database [/home/qifeng/temp/protogenome1/blastdbs/protogenome1_proteins_db] in search path [/home/qifeng::" halfway. How can I fix it.
I tried to creat salmonella scheme by myself and entered the command line as follows"chewBBACA.py CreateSchema -i cgMLST/ -o Salmonellascheme --cpu 8 --ptf training/Salmonella_enterica.trn", but it prompted error message "chewbbaca scheme creation error:BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for protein database [/home/qifeng/temp/protogenome1/blastdbs/protogenome1_proteins_db] in search path [/home/qifeng::" halfway. How can I fix it.