B00merang-Project / Redmond-Themes

Home of the B00merang Redmond Collection themes for Linux
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. #6

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner i had a png2css script posted. you could use it to fix your haederbar/toolbar.

slider/trackbar just dont zoom.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner thanks for your patience, time & ideas. I appreciate your enthusiasm and wish you the best in your future projects :smiley:

yours, Christian @Elbullazul

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner About the Vista theme

  1. I'm not a contributor on this repo
  2. I'm still bad at GTK anyway... :(

(So even if I tried, I'd probably mess it up anyway)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

For the icon set, just take a look at Numix's vast application icon names... (PS: cs-* = Cinnamon Settings icon)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Also, the buttons, well, I've been trying the same with Longhorn Aero Metacity and am still to figure out how to stop it glitching... :/

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner I'm back I think it was one of the Off Topic discussions (and/or CATFOD)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Elementary OS Loki is now out!

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago


dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Can't download it yet, you NEED to wait for the Livesteam to end... :/

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Now available!! elementary.io

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner elementary OS apps on feren OS (Might even take the Files UI into Zuro UI by the looks of it! ;)) screenshot from 2016-09-10 13-51-14

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

...and then for justice, Windows 10 theme!: screenshot from 2016-09-10 13-56-04

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Close...

  1. Add Loki Repositories to feren OS 2016.2
  2. Install Pantheon Files and AppCenter with good-ol' 'apt-get'
  3. Hack the defaults of Window List With App Grouping to have elementary apps pinned instead
  4. Get a good theme on
  5. Take a screenshot
dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

It's literally feren OS 2016.2 + 2017.0 adjustments (Conky, etc) + elementary OS Repos and Apt Packages

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Actually meh about the File thingy in Zuro UI, I'd probably fork Nemo instead (kinda)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago
  1. AppCenter will replace GNOME Software in MURDOCK
  2. Zuro UI is for now conceptual, for the future, a fork of all of Cinnamon to make the concepts reality, then the Greeter will be called 'LightDM Zuro Greeter' and then soon afterwards, KittenFox, etc (I think I'd fork gallery off of elementary/Pantheon Photos)
dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Just get them in Loki and run 'em, we share GTK versions with elementary OS Loki...

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Back up the themes and icons in feren OS, then get Loki, then get elementary Tweaks and done

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner First screenie the Windows 7 theme with @bluedxca93 's GTK, and yes, second is @Elbullazul 's

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner THIS IS NOT ELEMENTARY OS, THIS IS FEREN OS! screenshot from 2016-09-10 17-52-45

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

...oh, and Pantheon Greeter doesn't work properly in feren OS...

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago


dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner I'd say so...

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

PS: Lol... screenshot from 2016-09-10 18-02-59

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Just be wary of Loki, when I checked on the LiveCD, I found myself disappointed as I saw only the elementary OS bare apps selection in AppCenter... :/

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Err, 9:00 GMT (+1)... :/

ghost commented 8 years ago

i get gnomenu in cairo dock. if you want i can send you patched themes and the applet once ive time to do that.

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Seems to be something to do with UIDs of Applets, etc

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Linux Mint 18 KDE is NOW AVAILABLE...

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner yeah, mate is more "conservative" in its looks and applications. It's a relatively good DE, even though I never used for long, only for testing

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@Elbullazul Sadly though, MATE is slowly losing the GNOME 2 heritage I loved it for... :(

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

it is? it's sad :/

at least gnome 2 is still in the arch repos :no_entry_sign:

I heard someone say, i think it was @bluedxca93 that it doesn't use the old gnome 2 panel anymore

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago


dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Already did... #Maui

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Mine's on 3.5GB Memory right now... (Might be Cinnamon, or that I'm running Vivaldi and Noise too)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

This is when taking a screenshot and you can see Vivaldi + Noise too: (It's Live anyway (See no SWAP space)) screenshot from 2016-09-11 16-12-59

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

Lol, you have to refresh GitHub JUST to see edits! I guess this and Disqus are on par then... :laughing:

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Maui:

  1. Panel's a tad too big
  2. Looks like it's made for Hi-res screens
  3. 'Computer' is a lie on the Desktop (XD)
  4. Nice wallpapers though, and Windows cursor (as 'old' as it is)
  5. Good use of simple Folder View
dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner 4K (1366x768 over here)

ghost commented 8 years ago

@elbullazul well old mate runs with gnomenu actual version not. its gtk2 but optimized for 3.0 port.

ghost commented 8 years ago

already gtk3 on fedora i think.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner which icons?

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago


  1. Yeah, they're separate from the theme itself
  2. System Settings > Themes > Show Icons In Menus
Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner and feren OS :D

all icons are fetched from the icon pack; except :

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner but ubiquity doesn't install restricted extras anymore, even if you check the checkbox that supposedly installs them

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner the guy from lindoz? I don't know...

ghost commented 8 years ago

My firefox got to old today. trying newer one from mint repo soon.

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago


Any news

  1. ...With what?
  2. Dconf-editor defaults should be modified by the time MURDOCK reaches stable (meaning no more Linux Mint panel for people already with /home folders when installing and no blank background on the Cinnamon Nemo Dconf Background URI reset glitch...)
  3. My favourite Installers are Ubiquity and Calamares (may fork Ubiquity for Zuro UI feren OS Versions to give it that look seen in concepts, oh, and also, it won't want to be window decorated when run unlike other Windows) (there again, it's meant for the soul purpose of an installer out-of-live-mode...)
  4. Well, at least all my internet friends are now united as one (including you guys too) thanks to 'WinBeta Open Forum V2' (aka: The Great Forum)
  5. I have actually tried many times to get more than the static logo on feren Plymouth, even a spinner, but in the end, it's been guaranteed that it won't work in Plymouth though...
dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

By the way, I've created a Show Your Desktop discussion too on there! :)

dominichayesferen commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner Krita: Decent enough that it's in feren OS too Carbon: Have no idea what you're talking about unless you mean Weebly Carbon... (Or the element :laughing: )