B00merang-Project / Windows-10

Windows 10 Light theme for Linux (GTK)
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Windows 10 Dark Theme on Ubuntu GNOME (devel branch) #55

Closed brandleesee closed 7 years ago

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

I am opening a new issue because I do not know if the following images go in here or here.

Thus, the best way to explain my plight is pictorial.

GNOME Shell 3.20.3

Download used.


The following images are a comparison between Numix & Windows 10 v0.9.9.

screenshot from 2016-08-31 19-58-52 screenshot from 2016-08-31 19-59-10

Note what happens when I switch off the Global Dark Theme

screenshot from 2016-08-31 20-18-55

Selection Menu

screenshot from 2016-08-31 19-59-31 screenshot from 2016-08-31 19-59-54

Note what happens when I switch off the Global Dark Theme

screenshot from 2016-08-31 20-19-11

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

Can you post the link to the page where you got the download from?

Also, try the dark theme from here : https://github.com/Elbullazul/Windows-10/releases/tag/v0.9.9

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

From the same link you submitted. The 4th download link. screenshot from 2016-08-31 22-55-28

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

Mmm, I think github didn't handle the code as I expected. Use the dark theme link.

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Just used the dark theme link. No change whatsoever. So those screenshots apply also for the first (i.e. dark) download link.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

Can you post the theme's gtk.css file content?

It's in gtk-3.20

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Sure, here it is:

/* search for rgba value important! 46, 52, 54 */

/* default color scheme */ @define-color bg_color #ffffff; @define-color fg_color #4c4c4c; @define-color base_color #ffffff; @define-color text_color #4c4c4c; @define-color selected_bg_color #cce8ff; @define-color selected_fg_color #262626; @define-color tooltip_bg_color #ffffff; @define-color tooltip_fg_color #4c4c4c; @define-color progressbar_color #06B025;

@define-color outline_color rgba(46,52,54,0.3); @define-color txt_shadow rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.76923);

/* OSD colors */ @define-color osd_bg_color #f1f1f1; @define-color osd_fg_color #ffffff; @define-color osd_borders #8c8c8c; @define-color osd_outline #eeeeec; @define-color osd_txt_shadow rgba(255,255,255,0.1);

/* widget text/foreground color _/ @define-color theme_fgcolor #2e3436; / text color for entries, views and content in general _/ @define-color theme_textcolor black; / widget base background color _/ @define-color theme_bgcolor #ffffff; / text widgets and the like base background color _/ @define-color theme_basecolor #ffffff; / base background color of selections _/ @define-color theme_selected_bgcolor #cce8ff; / text/foreground color of selections _/ @define-color theme_selected_fgcolor #262626; / base background color of insensitive widgets _/ @define-color insensitive_bgcolor #fcfcfc; / text foreground color of insensitive widgets _/ @define-color insensitive_fgcolor #8c8c8c; / insensitive text widgets and the like base background color _/ @define-color insensitive_basecolor #ffffff; / widget text/foreground color on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_fgcolor #8c8c8c; / text color for entries, views and content in general on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_textcolor black; / widget base background color on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_bgcolor #fcfcfc; / text widgets and the like base background color on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_basecolor #fcfcfc; / base background color of selections on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_selected_bgcolor #d1d1d1; / text/foreground color of selections on backdrop windows _/ @define-color theme_unfocused_selected_fgcolor #000000; / widgets main borders color / @define-color borders #aaaaaa; / widgets main borders color on backdrop windows _/ @define-color unfocusedborders #8c8c8c; / these are pretty self explicative _/ @define-color warning_color #f57900; @define-color error_color #cc0000; @define-color successcolor #73d216; / these colors are exported for the window manager and shouldn't be used in applications, read if you used those and something break with a version upgrade you're on your own... */ @define-color wm_title shade(#2e3436, 1.8); @define-color wm_unfocused_title #8b8e8f; @define-color wm_highlight rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); @define-color wm_borders_edge rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); @define-color wm_bg_a shade(#e8e8e7, 1.2); @define-color wm_bg_b #e8e8e7; @define-color wm_shadow alpha(black, 0.35); @define-color wm_border alpha(black, 0.18); @define-color wm_button_hover_color_a shade(#e8e8e7, 1.3); @define-color wm_button_hover_color_b #e8e8e7; @define-color wm_button_active_color_a shade(#e8e8e7, 0.85); @define-color wm_button_active_color_b shade(#e8e8e7, 0.89); @define-color wm_button_active_color_c shade(#e8e8e7, 0.9); @define-color content_view_bg #ffffff;

@import url("gtk-contained.css");

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

Try this one: https://github.com/Elbullazul/Windows-10/files/318531/Windows.10.Dark.zip

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

After replacing with your download, I then did not have an option 'Windows 10 Dark' in Gnome-Tweak.

screenshot from 2016-09-01 08-21-10

So, I re-downloaded the dark theme - first option - from here : https://github.com/Elbullazul/Windows-10/releases/tag/v0.9.9 and also your modified .zip file. Extracted both and poured the contents of your modified .zip file in the other (replacing).

The result was a white theme whether the Global Dark Theme was on or off.

screenshot from 2016-09-01 08-33-27

screenshot from 2016-09-01 08-32-55

I also noticed that the gtk.css is mostly #ffffff.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@brandleesee I'm a very sorry, it's a packaging error from my part. I've been very busy, so last packages were fast compression without checking.

Corrected package coming soon...

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

also, I wonder how the hell github replaced a file i uploaded with another (2nd link i posted)

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago


It's shure to work now

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Bless you, brother!

This is the result I wanted to achieve.

Thank you.

Some screenshots have comments because there are some minute things that I believe can be improved.

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-12-22 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-18-55 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-19-06 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-19-41 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-15-51 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-12-47 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-14-05

Squashed Menu

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-13-28 Can the menus have some padding in between?

Focus Inconsistencies

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-14-35 When the window is focused the switches are dark grey/blue and the area is dark-ish.

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-15-08 When not in focus the switches spring to life and become vibrant. The same goes for the window itself.

The 'Remove' buttons remain brightly coloured regardless of the focus. When not in focus, the text disappears....

I think when not in focus, everything becomes dark-ish but when focused, the window sort of brightens. In short, the reverse of the screenshots.

'Minus' button has a 'Close' symbol

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-16-43 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-17-17

White line

screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-18-13 screenshot from 2016-09-01 18-49-28

All windows have a white line at the very top. The best way to reproduce it was with the above picture where two white lines are visible. One for each window.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

taking good note on the issues

thanks for your feedback :)

Zerophase commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I think the best thing that could be done for the dark theme is using different shades of grey / black for the different parts of the menu.

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

I hope you do not mind if I add some more issues that I have noticed.

Just to be clear, this has become my default theme, so I can only post these issues once I encounter them. I am not hunting them down. Only reporting them when I notice them.

This time, however, I am including screenshots of the Adwaita (default) theme and also Numix. This only to better illustrate my point. I do not expect nor want Windows 10 Dark theme to just be a black version of the mentioned two themes.

Terminal Menus

screenshot from 2016-09-02 10-35-58 screenshot from 2016-09-02 10-36-18 screenshot from 2016-09-02 10-33-52 Menus look squashed as, I believe, the horizontal rules <hr> are not present. Toggle Indicators and associated spaces are also missing (very good sign & empty placeholder).


Points to note:

screenshot from 2016-09-02 11-02-20 screenshot from 2016-09-02 11-01-03 screenshot from 2016-09-02 11-05-43 Can Windows Dark 10 have the buttons become a little more evident when hovered on, as presently it does not. Also, the currently selected tool (Paintbrush) is not evident.

Excessive space in Dash/Dock

Points to note:

screenshot from 2016-09-02 11-24-35 Can the excessive space be shrunken?

screenshot from 2016-09-02 11-27-07 The above screenshot is the options I presently have from the Dash-To-Dock extension. This applies to both Default and Windows 10 Dark themes.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

phew, I didn't know we had so many inconsistencies in the theme!

thanks again for pointing these out

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

I'm feeling guilty now!

Also, I now have this when I run sudo nautilus:

screenshot from 2016-09-02 17-16-33

Just in case the following might be helpful, I am running a system with the following:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu Yakkety Yak (development branch)
Release: 16.10
Codename: yakkety

GNOME Shell 3.20.3

GNOME nautilus 3.20.2
Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

the error list is shure long! thank you again

unfortunately my OS went down (for the nth time) so it may be a couple of days till everything gets back in order and i can get those errors a look

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

welcome! sooner or later that's what I'm expecting from mine maybe I should switch to a proper rolling distro....

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@brandleesee all bugs fixed, except the minus icon with the latest release : https://github.com/Elbullazul/Windows-10/releases/tag/v0.9.9-AU

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

@Elbullazul testing as we speak (I write!) screenshots coming shortly!

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Lovely! Oh boy!

Only a couple of issues and requests at the end of this post.

screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-47-09 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-47-28 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-47-54 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-48-11 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-51-09 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-48-47 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-50-03 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-50-17 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-51-36 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-52-28 screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-52-05


Can the default grey background match the black(ness) of the shell?

If this is beyond the scope of your aims then please guide me on which instances of the css to change or whatever is required.

Little change in selected tool and hovering

screenshot from 2016-09-14 17-53-17

Nearly invisible black font color

Extension used: System Monitor

screenshot from 2016-09-14 18-03-31

Downloaded v0.5 icons pack, thanks.

Seemingly unrelated request: I recently had to install Kdenlive and was unhappy that by default it required the installation of the oxygen icon pack. Can the required icons be created with a Windows-style spin so I can deplete oxygen?

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@brandleesee you can activate "global dark theme" to have a full black theme

I'll investigate those icons, thanks for the suggestion :)

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2016-09-14 12-38-24

found it, corrections coming in next release or, if you want to change it now:

.popup-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive {

and change color to :

color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2)
brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Oh, you're right. Blackness mode activated! Thank you! Thanks for checking the oxygen thing, too. As for your fix, mine is already color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2) in fact:

        .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive {
            color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2); }

Shall I provide the css file or screenshots?

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

it must be one of the nodes in that sector thas has color: rgba(0,0,0,X)

it's really close to that one, so you can check. I already forgot which line it was :/

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Cheers! It was this one: .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive {

On another note: sudo nautilus produces the following: screenshot from 2016-09-14 23-14-48

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

more work for the developer! :smile:

probably will fix them tomorrow, and released with the next version (hopefully 1.0.0...)

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

hahaha, he/you won't be happy because I'm gonna pile some more: (for the sake of 1.0.0 I noticed something else)

Scenario 1 - Common selection and mouse operations

Here all good

screenshot from 2016-09-15 00-36-35

Here all good

screenshot from 2016-09-15 00-37-00

On right-clicking the thumbnail disappears completely

screenshot from 2016-09-15 00-37-18

Scenario 2 - Opening a non-maximised application

Here all good

screenshot from 2016-09-15 00-39-43

If the focus switches to a non-maximised application (whether the file is selected or not), the thumbnail disappears completely

screenshot from 2016-09-15 00-40-18

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

does it happen with adwaita/numix?

brandleesee commented 8 years ago


screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-29-50 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-30-21 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-30-36 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-31-42 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-32-17


screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-32-58 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-35-53 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-36-13 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-37-29 screenshot from 2016-09-15 07-37-53

Possibly, a simple solution would be to brighten the selected thumbnail when right-clicked.

As for the out-of-focus darkenning, well that might be a bug... systemwide? If it can be tackled by W10D, well..... :D

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@brandleesee it's strange because my code is a fork from adwaita's source code. it shouldn't happen, unless GNOME intentionnally left the bug in the source code... which I don't think they would.

it should be something with view:backdrop class, I'll investigate and post updates

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Thank you. If there is any way that I can be of help please do tell.

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Btw, I don't know if this helps but I had referenced it here as well: NoobsLab. This was about 20 days ago so this was already present in the non-anniversary update. This is also another reason to think that it might not really be from W10D as we have both speculated. I might be wrong.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

@brandleesee my guess is that it's a bug in the code. Adwaita and Numix both use SCSS, and their code range covers pretty much all possible nodes (even some that are very unlikely, as :focus:hover:selected:insensitive:backdrop), which isn't the case with my code, since I use CSS still, because it's cleanier and also more easy for people to understand than SCSS who almost looks like a mix of CSS with shell scripts!

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

I'd rather have a simple theme that I can customise with limited knowledge, so, yeah, I understand why yours is in CSS. So in this case, I guess it's 'happy hunting' then.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

yeah, except I know where the fish are bitin' :D

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

now we're talking!

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

strange, I get: screenshot from 2016-09-15 10-44-00

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Something with the Global Dark Theme switch, then?

screenshot from 2016-09-15 18-45-52 screenshot from 2016-09-15 18-51-01

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

or somewhere the engine tries to "darken" the black color (impossible!) so it just fills the picture with black...

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

here's the corrected file : http://pastebin.com/1xE9Ci70

just overwrite all the gtk-contained-dark.css file. I had to add a dirty hex value, but at least you won't get that annoying bug : screenshot from 2016-09-15 12-00-10

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

...and I fixed the pinta thing, a class in gtk2 called "toolbutton"...

screenshot from 2016-09-15 15-10-24

gtkrc file code : http://pastebin.com/VqDCWbwV

brandleesee commented 8 years ago

Ole! All good. Thank you.

I noticed that the close button - depending on the application - gets a blue border onclick (besides becoming red).

onhover does not reproduce this bug.

Applications that do this are: Nautilus & Gnome-Tweak

Applications that do not do this are: Terminal & Pinta

This proved difficult to produce in screenshots, including .gif, hence, YT.

Elbullazul commented 8 years ago

yeah, I saw it too sometimes, but I was busy fixing pinta

I'll check this today if I have time...

Elbullazul commented 7 years ago


brandleesee commented 7 years ago

I know I said otherwise (email) but consider this as my only issue with the latest Win 10 Dark build: The best way to explain it is that because there is no border I am at times unable to identify where a window starts and stops.

Otherwise, you can see here that I use W10D for my own projects.

Elbullazul commented 7 years ago

ok, will add to the to-do list

making an all-black theme seems to be harder than anything else :/