B1n-ry / Youre-in-grave-danger

A minecraft mod which adds one single block. The grave, which will generate when you die, and store your items
MIT License
59 stars 16 forks source link

A way to transfer entire player inventory/accessories with having to die #119

Open bellakeys opened 1 year ago

bellakeys commented 1 year ago

I'm using trinkets, scout, inventorio... a lot of inventory extension mods. Sometimes when I'm fully equipped I feel pretty stacked in - taking everything off and changing to a different loadout can be time-consuming. This mod really impressed me when, after dying and returning to my grave, it put everything where it was without an issue. Being as versatile as it is, provides an excellent opportunity.

I simply ask for the same functionality in the mod but to be incorporated in a way where one could "store" their loadout, just not in a grave and without having to die. This would provide useful for any player in so many situations!

Unaliving myself when I want to make a ready-to-go "loadout". (Most useful after death when you need a quick set of things to get back to where you were)

This is really selfish but I'm playing my dream modded (over 500+) on 1.19.2 and if this feature ever got added I would be absolutely thrilled to be able to play it on my version. Its all such wishful thinking isn't it?

Thanks for a really great mod, no other grave mods work with all three of these inv mods <3