B1n-ry / Youre-in-grave-danger

A minecraft mod which adds one single block. The grave, which will generate when you die, and store your items
MIT License
59 stars 16 forks source link

origin [shulker origin] don't keep inventory when dead in server env #123

Closed QianFuv closed 1 year ago

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

same to https://github.com/B1n-ry/Youre-in-grave-danger/issues/86

in the single world it works well but in server this feature don't work

fabric 1.18.2

B1n-ry commented 1 year ago

Does this issue persist in your server with only origins and yigd installed (and cloth config+fabric api since yigd depend on those, don't know if origins has any dependencies though)

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

i will test now (10min

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

not happened ( so crazy

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

not happened ( so crazy

so may have some problems with orther mod?

B1n-ry commented 1 year ago

Probably some other mod, yes. If you could find which mod causes the issue you can filter out the mods with a "divide and conquer" sorting method with disabling/removing mods, this is the fastest way to find the culprit mod to my knowledge

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

I will . but not now maybe tomrrow

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

hard work give me more time

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

I test today, may be some server-side mod let this error I'll tell more details one more hour ( may be two hours

QianFuv commented 1 year ago

I won't be following up on this issue, but what is known is that the cause of this problem is not just grave and origin, but from my investigation it is likely to be related to traveler's backpack.

B1n-ry commented 1 year ago

Ok alright thanks anyway. We'll see if I am able to identify and fix the issue in the future. If I remember then I'll update here