B2R2-org / FunProbe

FunProbe: Probing Functions from Binary Code through Probabilistic Analysis (ESEC/FSE '23)
MIT License
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code about BN #1

Open hackhaye opened 3 weeks ago

hackhaye commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much for your task, I have been following up your research recently, may I ask where is the code related to Bayesian networks? I didn't see the code for the Bayesian network model

soomin-kim commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thank you for having an interest in our research. In FunProbe, we use a factor graph to represent Bayesian Network, and you can find the relevant definitions from

hackhaye commented 10 hours ago

Thank you very much, I don't know much about F#, is there any way to visualize the factor graph in your code

soomin-kim commented 1 hour ago

Sorry, but current FunProbe does not have an option for dumping factor graphs. However, you may try to fix FunProbe to dump the graphs. For example, you can insert the below lines just after ConstraintSolver.fs:L87

solver.Graph.FoldSuccessors src (fun _ dst _ ->
  // Do something here
  printfn "Edge: %d -> %d" (Node.id src) (Node.id dst)) ()