B4rc1 / obsidian-companion.nvim

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Connection Issue with Neovim Instance on /tmp/nvimsocket in Obsidian-Neovim Companion Plugin #1

Open SureshPradhana opened 1 year ago

SureshPradhana commented 1 year ago

I encountered a problem when trying to activate the obsidian-neovim-companion plugin in Obsidian. Even though I installed the obsidian-companion.nvim plugin for Neovim, I received a warning message saying:

Warning: Unable to connect to any Neovim instance on /tmp/nvimsocket.
B4rc1 commented 1 year ago

did you start neovim with nvim --listen /tmp/nvimsocket?

SureshPradhana commented 1 year ago

Yes, I started the Neovim with the command nvim --listen /tmp/nvimsocket To check the number of connections, I used the command ls -l /tmp/nvimsocket , which showed there are 0 connections.

B4rc1 commented 1 year ago

Starting neovim with nvim --listen /tmp/nvimsocket, THEN opening obsidian and enabling the plugin works on my machine with

$ nvim --version
NVIM v0.9.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "

Run :checkhealth for more info

and Obsidian version v1.3.5.

Connection during runtime is not implemented and support/updates for this plugin are unlikely due to the excellent Latex Suit which implements everything I wanted this plugin for, namely snippets to fast and painlessly write latex. Obsidian vim emulation works well enough for my purposes.