BALKANGraph / FamilyTreeJS

Build family tree app with BALKAN FamilyTreeJS library. Family Tree also called a genealogy or a pedigree chart, is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure.
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it work with reactNative? #95

Open tarangshah19 opened 6 months ago

tarangshah19 commented 6 months ago

it work with reactNative?

ZornitsaPesheva commented 6 months ago

Yes, it work in any environment that can run JavaScript, but we don't have examples for Reat Native.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

not working image

document.querySelector(e) not working in react native

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Can you at all use document.querySelector in Ract Native?

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

in react native Dom is not available we cant use documents

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

You need WebView to work with js in the browser:

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

need to use js file or react code ?

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

You will need to use orgchart.js in your React code.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

paid version also needs to run from WebView ? because i want to run a very complex login when any relation is added & in WebView very difficult to get logs

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Yes, Family Tree JS is frontend library. You need WebView to display web content in React Native app

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

i dont thing paid version help full then in in react native if work with webview only

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Most probably you need WebView for every web based JS library.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

but using d3 js i can make this without WebView but required lot of time so i thinking about your plugin

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Yes, they have React component. We don't use frameworks as React and haven't developed such components for now.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

ok thanks for guid me

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

if i get paid version can you provide me react native components?

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Can you give us a link to that d3 library that you can use in React Native without WebView?

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-06 at 11 56 07 AM d3 hierarchy we are using

and we have already created a tree algorithm but it's depending on Dom and we use in a hybrid app so its works but now want in react native

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

As I understand in your current application you don't use React Native. But in one of the previous comment you are telling us that you can create a React Native app using d3 without WebView. I am asking you how you are gonna do this? We need an example for D3 in React Native without WebView.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

hi sorry for replying late we do not have any examples now just want to know if we buy can you give us react-native components without web-view (Just want without DOM manipulation)

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

We don't know if this is possible at all. If you show us how this is done with some similar library, we could check.

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

ok i will update you on this

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago

hi, hear is one example that i found in react native d3

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

Where do you see that this is D3 or how do you know?

tarangshah19 commented 5 months ago this repo work with react native and using d3 and without dom

ZornitsaPesheva commented 5 months ago

What do you mean by "works without dom"? It runs in a browser and it is in a div element just as the Family Tree JS.