BAMresearch / LebeDigital

The LeBeDigital Concrete Production and Testing Ontology - CPTO Repository
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Where is the ontology stored #156

Closed joergfunger closed 1 year ago

joergfunger commented 1 year ago

It seems that in the current main branch, the only thing that is still in our repo are the knowledge graphes from the different tests. What I was not able to find is the ontology (CPTO.owl) which is the basis for the knowledge graphs. Just to make that clear from my point of view, the ontology defines concepts (classes, properties), and is published and open/accessible for everyone. The kg-templates are a way of describing our data with the ontology, thus we need both and we clearly have to separate (both the files and in the naming). The definition of what a specimen is (with the English/German text, what properties it could have), is defined in the CPTO.owl, how we have connected this in our E-modulus kg are the ttl-templates (the CPTO might pose restrictions on how this is to be used). Could you point me to the CPTO.owl or eventuually upload the file again?

mattheokru commented 1 year ago

I uploaded the CPTO.ttl

mattheokru commented 1 year ago

Just to ask if I completely understand, the KGs are the drawio files with all the relations etc. and the Ontology is the "backbone" defining everything? Because I started working with the new pmd and it wasn't necessary anymore to create new classes because the KG could be made only from the pmd, so no Ontology, except the pmd, would be required right?

joergfunger commented 1 year ago

If we don't create new classes/subclasses or relations than we would just use the pmdcore as the ontology to create the templates using (the kg templates). But are we sure, that all features are in the pmdcore and we do not need extensions? e.g. where do you define a ConcreteMixComposition, or a YoungsModulusTest? I do not expect those to be in the pmdcore, thus these would be (derived) classes (e.g. of MassFraction) in our CPTO.

StephanPirskawetz commented 1 year ago

Hi, letztlich bauen wir eine neue Ontologie (CPTO), basierend auf der PMDcore. Also: pmdcore in Protegé laden (und alles, was die pmdcore braucht: wird dann verständlicher), CPTO-Klassen und -Properties richtig einsortieren und als neue CPTO speichern/exportieren. Später die KG aus der neuen CPTO konstruieren.