BATraining / adapt-dragAndDrop-public

A drag and drop question
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feedback not working in adapt framework version 2.0 #9

Open mike-st opened 8 years ago

mike-st commented 8 years ago

Hi unfortunately the feedback is not working in adapt framework version 2.0. I get a [object Object] feedback. Probably as it was built for version 1.0. everything else seems to work well.

alucking commented 8 years ago

@mike-st thanks for the feedback. Work to update adapt-dragAndDrop component for full framework 2.0 compatibility is planned in the coming months...

Belal-Almassri-dev commented 8 years ago

Hi Any quick fix for this issue?

himanshu1618 commented 8 years ago

Hi @mike-st and @Belal-Almassri-dev, instead of using dragAndDrop's _feedback object try to use mcq's _feedback object.


mike-st commented 8 years ago

Hi to be honest I got this working in September but now forgot what I did so here is the working zip file with feedback working in it...

RodneyMillerTAFENSW commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to get this to work but I can't seem to get anywhere with it. Can someone point me to a tutorial or step by step guide?

Thanks in advance