The Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing (MIABIS) is a biobank-specific terminology enabling the sharing of minimal biobank-related data for different purposes across a wide range of database implementations.
Definition of "one sample" counted in the BBMRI-ERIC tools (Sample Locator, Locator, Directory facts)
Samples conforming within the following parameters: patient ID + project ID + sample type (plasma, PBMC, tissue FFPE,...) + collection date (timestamp) are considered as one sample and are counted only once.
-> This will result in "sample counts", not "aliquod counts".
Samples that differ in at least one parameter are different samples and will be counted individually.
Tissue slides are to be counted as different samples, not aliquots, because they are not similar
Definition of "one sample" counted in the BBMRI-ERIC tools (Sample Locator, Locator, Directory facts)