The Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing (MIABIS) is a biobank-specific terminology enabling the sharing of minimal biobank-related data for different purposes across a wide range of database implementations.
Update MIABIS Governance model to cover workflows for:
Regular MIABIS component development and update work.
Fast track MIABIS component development work.
-> Major release (major version number) indicates significant changes - for example complete rewrite or if backward-compatibility cannot be maintained.
-> Minor release (minor version number) refers to a functional extension.
-> Patch level or micro release (revision number) usually contains bug fixes.
Update MIABIS Governance model to cover workflows for:
-> Major release (major version number) indicates significant changes - for example complete rewrite or if backward-compatibility cannot be maintained. -> Minor release (minor version number) refers to a functional extension. -> Patch level or micro release (revision number) usually contains bug fixes.