BBN-Q / PyQLab

A python library for instrument control and superconducting QIP experiments.
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Display/select gate channels #126

Closed dieris closed 8 years ago

dieris commented 8 years ago

In Python 3, the multiple-choice menus for gate channels for MEAS pulses are empty

dieris commented 8 years ago

Apparently, I have the same problem for the choice of target (but not source) qubit in an Edge.

The code for source and target look exactly the same to me...

blakejohnson commented 8 years ago

c08ab16 works for me. Want to give it a try?

dieris commented 8 years ago

It works, except for the empty channel. I can see the empty slot in the drop-down menu, but it can't be assigned

caryan commented 8 years ago

Empty gate channel should be fixed as of c7aedc1f02498e014232d5bbe8e99bf579ac0faf