BBN-Q / PyQLab

A python library for instrument control and superconducting QIP experiments.
Apache License 2.0
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update conda environment setup in README #135

Closed caryan closed 7 years ago

caryan commented 7 years ago

Forgot to merge this months ago. Probably outdated now.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 66.94% when pulling 4654d4eccd3710f4490c099a03a50a36c3d86e28 on readme-conda-updates into ae1fcc4f0bc87f985023959cdae50cdd212b7b2c on develop.

blakejohnson commented 7 years ago

Yes, this is outdated now that enaml works on Qt5. Also, watchdog is only available via pip or the ecpy conda channel. So, I think the new instructions ought to read:

conda create -n pyqlab python=3.6 numpy networkx h5py
source activate pyqlab
conda install -c ecpy enaml watchdog