BBN-Q / QuantumTomography.jl

Julia package to perform quantum state and process tomography
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tests for non-asymptotic, free, LQS QPT #15

Closed matthewware closed 4 years ago

matthewware commented 5 years ago

Test for the non-asymptotic, unconstrained, least-squares quantum process tomography fail intermittently. This isn't entirely unexpected since we're in the middle of reworking and developing the process tomography code.

matthewware commented 4 years ago

Probably has to do with the amount of noise the Binomial distribution is inserting... Will update soon. Test on the Qlab.jl code base have hinted that you might need to relax error tolerances for non-asymptotic data.

matthewware commented 4 years ago

This is now fixed as of 020b6ed