BBVAEngineering / ember-web-workers

Service to communicate your application with browser web workers
MIT License
44 stars 10 forks source link

Is it worth combining efforts with ? #60

Closed NullVoxPopuli closed 4 years ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 4 years ago

Just came across in my search for typescript capabilities with web-workers -- they have an interesting interface, and I'm wondering what tradeoffs may be? maybe efforts can be combined between this project and that project?

Looking at the implementation, though. It looks like some combination of the behaviors of ember-web-workers + promise-worker + a decorator for accessing worker instances?

adrigzr commented 4 years ago

Hi, I think both projects (this and ember-artisans) do same things but with different API. You should choose whatever you prefer.

We don't transpile the worker source, so you can't use typescript there =/

NullVoxPopuli commented 4 years ago
