BBuf / cv_tools

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I use yolov3.trt, not Yolo tiny reasoning, why there is no result? What are the changes? I made the following changes #1

Open kongxm889 opened 4 years ago

kongxm889 commented 4 years ago

string onnxFile = "F:/TensorRT-"; string engineFile = "F:/TensorRT-";

vector labels = { "bad" };

vector<vector > output_shape = { { 1, 18, 13, 13 },{ 1, 18, 26, 26 } ,{1,18,52,52}}; vector<vector > g_masks = {{6,7,8}, { 3, 4, 5 },{ 0, 1, 2 } }; vector<vector > g_anchors = { { 10, 14 },{18,16},{ 23, 27 },{ 37, 58 },{40,56},{66, 68},{ 81, 82 },{ 135, 169 },{ 344, 319} };

BBuf commented 4 years ago

Please see this:

kongxm889 commented 4 years ago


BBuf commented 4 years ago

Please see this:

kongxm889 commented 4 years ago

mance or even cause errors. prepare image take: 129.974 ms. Inference take: 7.2566 ms. Postprocess take: 3153.07 ms. 0.92241, 221.538, 458.154, 0.00018106, 5.26106e-05 0.771616, 541.538, 433.539, 0.000305597, 2.88282e-05 0.751903, 196.931, 248.922, 0.00325906, 0.022265 0.665877, 184.626, 248.922, 0.0105204, 0.0374328 0.586902, 603.114, 310.721, 0.00889372, 0.00443592 0.57666, 123.065, 285.884, 0.160754, 0.107473 0.576477, 110.748, 285.861, 0.112664, 0.042417 0.571044, 98.4042, 285.852, 0.149839, 0.0392293 0.56572, 209.235, 248.931, 0.00352389, 0.0237938 0.564665, 270.77, 310.462, 1.16625e-05, 0.000262268 0.544211, 283.16, 248.916, 0.0718938, 0.0699337 0.54115, 86.0993, 285.862, 0.12917, 0.0359988 0.539281, 295.467, 248.751, 0.574393, 0.528999 0.534978, 516.925, 273.552, 0.0032337, 0.00539271 0.50896, 61.3222, 371.985, 0.450847, 0.0464043


BBuf commented 4 years ago


kongxm889 commented 4 years ago
