Output: (Empire: PE1) > mimikatz
[] Tasked 2LF9P8MG to run TASK_CMD_JOB
[] Agent 2LF9P8MG tasked with task ID 1
[*] Tasked agent PE1 to run module powershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords
But I don't get the Mimikatz splash screen and Mimikatz prompt. I installed with apt install.
Empire version 3.2
Kali Linux, latest version
Output: (Empire: PE1) > mimikatz [] Tasked 2LF9P8MG to run TASK_CMD_JOB [] Agent 2LF9P8MG tasked with task ID 1 [*] Tasked agent PE1 to run module powershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords
But I don't get the Mimikatz splash screen and Mimikatz prompt. I installed with apt install.