BC44 / Cross-Seed-AutoDL

Scans files and finds cross-seedable torrents via Jackett
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Adding the tracker name at the torrent file name #17

Closed hummingbirdy2 closed 3 years ago

hummingbirdy2 commented 3 years ago

It would be nice to add the tracker name at the torrent file name. Something like [TrackerName] Filename.torrent

In case of multi result, the result would be much better:

- [Tracker A] My.Wonderful.Movie.torrent
- [Tracker B] My.Wonderful.Movie.torrent
- [Tracker C] My.Wonderful.Movie.torrent

Intead of:

- My.Wonderful.Movie.torrent
- My.Wonderful.Movie (1).torrent
- My.Wonderful.Movie (2).torrent

The name of the torrent is use as the base by autotorrent to create the directory for links. I did some test with my fork, it's work very well with autotorrent. Much easiest to manage and far cleaner.

I can propose a PR if you are interested.

BC44 commented 3 years ago

It was already doing this, but the tracker name was included at the end of the file, which would be truncated if the file name was too long. I've moved it to the start of the file name in e2da87ca10a14737edfda211c3ce5c9d332b2410

hummingbirdy2 commented 3 years ago

Nice. I miss it. Sorry for the disturbance.

Thanks for your quick answer.