BC44 / Cross-Seed-AutoDL

Scans files and finds cross-seedable torrents via Jackett
MIT License
137 stars 19 forks source link

README feedback - hard to understand for the layman #27

Open slrslr opened 4 months ago

slrslr commented 4 months ago

README page of this repository says

  1. "Parses existing files/folders in order to download matching torrents" But the word "matching" is raising numerous questions of the first time visitor and a layman bittorrent client user: To which extent matching? Will it match the torrent if only one of the payload files is found? Will it match torrent if all files are found, but one or more is renamed? Does it search parse directory recursively infinite deep?

  2. "Copy exact string for the tracker that appears in the torznab feed URL in Jackett to use for the script" That is too technical description. Does the sentence and the screenshot mean that the user needs to copy "blutopia" and this string need to be somehow (how) used in the script (not mentioned the script name, is meant CrossSeedAutoDL.py?)

If I am right maybe the README should say: Copy exact string for the tracker that appears in the torznab feed URL in Jackett (on the screenshot "blutopia") to use for the script CrossSeedAutoDL.py (CrossSeedAutoDL.py -parametername blutopia) to achieve XY.

Can you make the README more useful in this regard?