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Materials on x forwarding? e.g. for viewing images remotely #13

Closed lisatwyw closed 1 month ago

lisatwyw commented 1 month ago

Question from Afraz was how to check / view PDF generated by plot*R

Proposed solution 1: use display command?

lisatwyw commented 1 month ago

display command works but need to enable X server

lisatwyw commented 1 month ago

Proposed solution 2: download to local computer for viewing

Alternative to rsync

[username@localmachine]$ sftp <cwl>@dtn.sockeye.arc.ubc.ca
<cwl>@dtn.sockeye.arc.ubc.ca's password:
Connected to dtn01.sockeye.arc.ubc.ca.
or using SSH keys for authentication using the -i option:

[name@localmachine]$ sftp -i /home/name/.ssh/id_rsa
Connected to dtn01.sockeye.arc.ubc.ca.
lisatwyw commented 1 month ago

We saw at Monday touchbase that it was possible to see png with "display PNG*.png" via MobaX