Depending on what data is available at any moment, we may need to perform analysis with only short (illumina) reads, only long (Oxford Nanopore aka ONT) reads, or a hybrid analysis using both short and long reads.
The basic strategy for keeping this organized will be:
Always perform a short-read analysis on all illumina runs. Store the analysis to <config_analysis_output_dir>/<illumina_run_id>/short
Always perform a long-read analysis on all nanopore runs. Store the analysis to <config_analysis_output_dir>/<nanopore_run_id>/long
Perform a hybrid analysis for all samples from the illumina run that have corresponding nanopore samples available. Store the analysis to <config_analysis_output_dir>/<illumina_run_id>/hybrid
Check on every scan to see if more nanopore samples have been made available for each illumina run, and add them to the hybrid analysis.
Note: we can skip the BCCDC-PHL/taxon-abundance pipeline on the hybrid analyses, since we'll already have the short reads and the long reads classified in the short and long analyses, respectively.
Depending on what data is available at any moment, we may need to perform analysis with only short (illumina) reads, only long (Oxford Nanopore aka ONT) reads, or a hybrid analysis using both short and long reads.
The basic strategy for keeping this organized will be: