REDCap module that allows you to create HTML templates and fill them with record data from your project. You can download the filled templates as a PDF, which are saved to the File Repository.
MIT License
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v4.1.0 commit. Date formatting, v14 data export perms, zip bug fix #63
Basic date formatting through Smarty; can format with dd-mm-yyyy formatting by passing formatting information through the template as {$redcap['visit_date']|date_format:'%d-%m-%Y'} This will format the visit_date into two digit day, two digit month, four digit year. Please note: this is currently the only other format allowed outside the default REDCap display.
Added code to process the new format returned by REDCap::getUserRightsdata()
Fixed bug found when downloading a zip file of batched reports (modified headers set before download)
Modified code to store data into the proper redcap_dataX tables introduced in RC v14.0.
This will format the visit_date into two digit day, two digit month, four digit year. Please note: this is currently the only other format allowed outside the default REDCap display.