BCCN-Prog / 2019_day2

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Project Proposals #4

Open lukas-braun opened 5 years ago

lukas-braun commented 5 years ago

Please add your project proposals as a comment

lukas-braun commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? Select a topic from (neuroscience inspired) machine learning (like STDP, phase plane analysis, ...) and to create and try to publish an article on distill.pub.

What is distill.pub? Distill.pub is a peer reviewed online journal, which attempts to reduce "research debt": https://distill.pub/2017/research-debt/ It was heavily inspired by "Explorable Explanations" (https://explorabl.es/), an attempt to make difficult concepts accessible through interactive visualizations in the web. Look through some of the articles, they are beautiful: https://distill.pub/



DorotheaMueller commented 5 years ago

Key idea The key idea is to write code that is actually useful for other people, thus making an impact on the long run (coding for social good).

Inspiration One possibility would be to do something similar to Code for Germany. Their aim is to make useful applications from public data. Projects range from showing accessibility of BVG stations for people in wheelchairs, maps for finding recycling places or where to get food directly from farmers to a tool which enables to directly compare election programmes for specific topics.



marcbue commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? Create an App for saving Bees! Apparently the population of bees has declined dramatically in the last years. A friend of a friend wants to propose to a NGO with a project for creating an App which might help saving Bees in the future. The Idea is that people can take photos of vegetation (e.g. flowers) while they are outside and in combination with their location (e.g. via Google Maps) information can be extracted where bees could potentially live. Apparently the color alone already indicates whether a bee can live there or not. Additional usage of "Image recognition" for getting information about the actual flower is even more helpful.

It might be compared to https://mundraub.org/. Where people give information about fruit trees for people to get free fruits anywhere.



marcbue commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? A lot of companies get bills in form of pdfs where they have to manually extract information from and put them by hand in their respective software tools (e.g. excel). We might think of possible ways for them to automatize this for them (e.g. setting up a local server where they can upload the bills on a webpage in their intranet and there is an interface to their bookkeeping software, an app for taking a photo/scanning the bill and directly upload it to a server...) .



gabelstein commented 5 years ago

Key idea Specifying a project for Dorothea's approach: Develop and deploy enhancements for a mobile-friendly web app that matches needy individuals seeking knowledge services--English classes, US citizenship classes, or legal aid--with volunteers willing to help.


Full software project with frontend and backend.


Mostly javascript on frontend.

Further Information https://app.code4socialgood.org/project/view/1722 https://tutoria.io/

DorotheaMueller commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? Have you ever wanted to go to a cinema on the weekend and it was an annoying process to visit several websites in order to figure out which cinema shows which movie at what times? Especially considering several smaller, independent cinemas this process is annoying. The idea is to make a website/app that pulls and combines the schedules of different cinemas in Berlin, so you can filter for different aspects (e.g., language, OV, day) and limit your search time. The website could additionally contain a map (where the cinemas are) or, if we have time, small analysis what the cinemas usually show (which language, ...)



owenmackwood commented 5 years ago

Regarding the cinema suggestion: Great idea. Unfortunately it already exists.

lukas-braun commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? Implement an open-world, open-end, multiplayer strategy game with very simple 2d graphics (colourful, moving dots) but rich multi-agent systems and crowd dynamics. Each player would play an ant colony. Incentives would include finding and harvesting food, growing the population of the ant colony, branching the colony and expanding over the map, fighting and defeating other ant colonies.



Zainab-Mohamed commented 5 years ago

What is the idea? What about checking one of Kaggle competitions? It's very well-known competition in machine learning. https://www.kaggle.com/competitions

