BCCN-Prog / weather_2016

For the BCCN 2016 advanced programming project
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Finalize GUI #62

Open clauslang opened 8 years ago

clauslang commented 8 years ago

At least the following two (if we have time three) cases should work perfectly:

Map Output

User specifies:

--> Heat map of germany with interpolated values shows up. Based on 20 values in case of scraped data or about 400 (?) in case of historical data.

Line Plot Output

User specifies:

--> Window pops up showing labelled line plot with 1 (only historical), 5 (only scraped) or 6 (both) lines.

If we have time: Scatter Plot

User specifies:

--> Window pops up showing scatter plot of the two variables

clauslang commented 8 years ago

All historic cases are working now.