BCDA-APS / APSshare-anaconda-management

issues-only repository for the /APSshare/anaconda installations
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update Python2, 32-bit #1

Closed prjemian closed 5 years ago

prjemian commented 5 years ago


prjemian commented 5 years ago
    cd /APSshare/anaconda
    source ./x86/bin/activate
    conda update spec2nexus
prjemian commented 5 years ago
cd /APSshare/anaconda
source ./x86/bin/activate
conda update spec2nexus
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

        _libgcc_mutex:    0.1-main                      

    The following packages will be UPDATED:

        atomicwrites:     1.3.0-py_0                     --> 1.3.0-py_0                       
        attrs:            19.1.0-py_0                    --> 19.1.0-py_0                      
        cloudpickle:      0.8.1-py_0                     --> 0.8.1-py_0                       
        cycler:           0.10.0-py27h2f912ad_0          --> 0.10.0-py35hc0cd317_0            
        decorator:        4.4.0-py_0                     --> 4.4.0-py_0                       
        defusedxml:       0.6.0-py_0                     --> 0.6.0-py_0                       
        h5py:             2.8.0-py27h8d01980_0           --> 2.8.0-py35h989c5e5_3             
        lxml:             4.2.5-py27hefd8a0e_0           --> 4.2.5-py35hefd8a0e_0             
        matplotlib:       1.4.3-np19py27_2               --> 1.5.1-np111py35_0                
        nbconvert:        5.4.1-py_2                     --> 5.4.1-py_2                       
        numpy:            1.9.3-py27h28100ab_5           --> 1.11.3-py35h3dfced4_4            
        openpyxl:         2.6.2-py_0                     --> 2.6.2-py_0                       
        parso:            0.4.0-py_0                     --> 0.4.0-py_0                       
        partd:            0.3.10-py_0                    --> 0.3.10-py_0                      
        pbr:              5.1.3-py_0                     --> 5.1.3-py_0                       
        portend:          2.4-py_0                       --> 2.4-py_0                         
        pyasn1:           0.4.5-py_0                     --> 0.4.5-py_0                       
        pyparsing:        2.0.3-py27_0                   --> 2.4.2-py_0                       
        pyqt:             4.11.4-py27_4                  --> 4.11.4-py35_4                    
        python:           2.7.15-h9bab390_6              --> 3.5.6-hc3d631a_0                 
        pytz:             2019.1-py_0                    --> 2019.2-py_0                      
        qt:               4.8.7-1                        --> 4.8.7-2                          
        qtawesome:        0.5.7-py_0                     --> 0.5.7-py_0                       
        qtpy:             1.7.0-py_0                     --> 1.7.0-py_0                       
        rope:             0.14.0-py_0                    --> 0.14.0-py_0                      
        sip:              4.18-py27_0                    --> 4.18-py35_0                      
        spec2nexus:       2020.0.0-pyh39e3cac_0 prjemian --> 2021.1.3-h39e3cac_0   aps-anl-tag
        sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.4.3-py_0                     --> 0.4.3-py_0                       
        tempora:          1.14.1-py_0                    --> 1.14.1-py_0                      
        tqdm:             4.31.1-py_0                    --> 4.31.1-py_0                      
        werkzeug:         0.15.2-py_0                    --> 0.15.2-py_0                      
        xlsxwriter:       1.1.7-py_0                     --> 1.1.7-py_0                       
        zc.lockfile:      1.4-py_0                       --> 1.4-py_0                         

    The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

        blas:             1.0-openblas                   --> 1.0-mkl                          
        certifi:          2018.11.29-py27_0              --> 2018.8.24-py35_1                 
        openssl:          1.1.1a-h7b6447c_0              --> 1.0.2p-h14c3975_0                
        pip:              18.1-py27_0                    --> 10.0.1-py35_0                    
        python-dateutil:  2.7.5-py27_0                   --> 2.7.3-py35_0                     
        setuptools:       40.6.3-py27_0                  --> 40.2.0-py35_0                    
        six:              1.12.0-py27_0                  --> 1.11.0-py35_1                    
        wheel:            0.32.3-py27_0                  --> 0.31.1-py35_0                    
prjemian commented 5 years ago

And even this simple task failed:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/APSshare/anaconda/x86/bin/conda", line 7, in <module>
        from conda.cli import main
    ImportError: No module named 'conda'