BCDA-APS / bluesky_training

Bluesky training, including instrument package
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DOC add FAQ #17

Closed prjemian closed 1 year ago

prjemian commented 3 years ago

There is content noted in General section of #9 that could form the basis of an FAQ

prjemian commented 2 years ago

There is a FAQ already: https://github.com/BCDA-APS/use_bluesky/wiki/FAQ

prjemian commented 1 year ago

NeXus has a FAQ in restructured text: https://github.com/nexusformat/definitions/blob/main/manual/source/faq.rst?plain=1. This might be a template.

prjemian commented 1 year ago
.. index:: ! FAQ

.. _FAQ:

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of commonly asked questions concerning Bluesky.

.. _faq-what-is:

#. What is it?

    NeXus is correct. It is a format for data from **Neutron** and **X-ray**
    facilities, hence those first letters are capitalised. The format is also
    used for muon experiments, but there is no *mu* (or m) in NeXus and no s
    in muon. So the s stays in lower case.

Refer to that FAQ number, use :ref:`Displayed text <faq-what-is>`.

From markdown, you would link with [Display text](url#faq-what-is)
prjemian commented 1 year ago

Could start the FAQ with a question, such as What is Bluesky? or What is this repository? Just to get the page started.