BCDA-APS / mdaviz

Data visualization for mda
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Contribute mdaviz to conda-forge. #127

Open prjemian opened 1 month ago

prjemian commented 1 month ago

Contribute mdaviz to conda-forge.

Originally posted by @prjemian in https://github.com/BCDA-APS/mdaviz/issues/113#issuecomment-2125276401

prjemian commented 1 month ago

FYI: Just submitted contribution for new hklpy2 package: https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/pull/26517

Proposed procedure

  1. cd tmp
  2. install grayskull (I install in a new conda environment)
  3. grayskull pypi --strict-conda-forge mdaviz
  4. Fork https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes to your personal github account: https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/
  5. git clone from your fork and cd into the new directory
  6. create (and checkout) a new branch: mdaviz-package
  7. In the recipes directory, make a new mdaviz directory
  8. cp /tmp/mdaviz/meta.yaml recipes/mdaviz/

You might need to add some additional info in the about: section of the meta.yaml. Here's mine:

  home: https://prjemian.github.io/hklpy2
  summary: 2nd generation diffractometer controls for the Bluesky Framework.
  license: BSD-4-Clause
  license_file: LICENSE
  doc_url: https://prjemian.github.io/hklpy2
  dev_url: https://github.com/prjemian/hklpy2
  1. Commit and push to your fork.
  2. From your fork, open a PR to conda-forge.
  3. Respond & resolve any problems.
  4. Once it builds completely and is ready, add this comment: @conda-forge/help-python @conda-forge/staged-recipes : This is ready for review, when you get a chance. Thanks!
  5. Wait for review (might take days).
  6. Once approved, merge the PR (if not already merged). In about an hour, your new mdaviz package should be ready on conda-forge.