BCDA-APS / mdaviz

Data visualization for mda
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Make directory argument optional and OS indenpendant #141

Closed rodolakis closed 3 weeks ago

rodolakis commented 3 weeks ago

From @prjemian in #140:

In app.py:

  1. main_window.setStatus(f"Application started, loading {pathlib.Path(directory).absolute()} ...")

.absolute() v. .resolve()

see https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pathlib+absolute+v.+resolve&t=brave&ia=web

  1. if not directory.startswith("/"):

This .startswith("/") makes the program depend on specific filesystems. Won't work on Windows.

Maybe compare str(directory.absolute()) with str(directory)?

rodolakis commented 3 weeks ago

No longer relevant