BCDA-APS / use_bluesky

Tools to help APS use the Bluesky Framework (https://blueskyproject.io/)
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dynamic limits tutorial #71

Closed prjemian closed 4 years ago

prjemian commented 4 years ago

Based on an issue from APS 4-ID-Polar, make a notebook showing how to compute a limit for dynamic motion control from EPICS and interface that into Bluesky.

prjemian commented 4 years ago

Acknowledge that the RunEngine STOPs all movables involved in the scan. Here is where bluesky tells the motors to stop:

            if justification is not None:
                print("Justification for this suspension:\n%s" % justification)
            for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
            # During suspend, all motors should be stopped. Call stop() on
            # every object we ever set().